摘要: | 中文摘要 文化創意產業為各國帶來了無限生機與商機,行政院在2002年正式將文化創意產業列為「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」的重要項目之一;客家委員會也於近年開始推動「Hakka Taiwan客家臺灣商品/廠商認證」、「客家產業輔導計畫亮點業者」,無非就是為了推動客家文化創意產業。而在面臨經濟、社會環境快速的變遷下,富涵客家文化特色的客家特色商品在發展為文化創意產業之際,應該在產品產出的各個生命週期階段,實施最創新的策略,並且透過行銷策略創新之規劃,提高客家產業的競爭力,期望能透過創新策略的的規劃,特色廠商能夠與公部門合作開創客家文化創意產業的藍海市場,以達到經濟與文化共存之永續發展。基此,本研究以SWOT分析理論,透過文獻分析法、深度訪談法,以客家特色廠商為研究個案,探析其發展客家文化創意商品之優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,並探究其在產品生命週期及在行銷方面的創新策略,俾利提供未來公部門及其他特色廠商之建議。最後希冀能將此研究結果提供客家特色廠商在未來發展文化創意產業時,有比較建設性的參考指標,讓客家特色廠商在遽變的時代下能永續經營,並延續、傳承客家文化的生命力。
關鍵詞:客家文化創意產業、客家特色廠商、SWOT分析、4P行銷策略 ;Abstract Cultural and creative industries have brought infinite vital and business opportunities for various countries. In 2002, Executive Yuan has formally listed cultural and creative industries as an important item in “Challenge 2008: National Development Focus Plan”; Hakka Affairs Council also began promoting “Hakka Taiwan Hakka Taiwan products/vendor certification” and “Hakka Industry Counseling Program Key Business,” in order to promote Hakka industries. Facing the rapid changes in economy and society, as Hakka specialty products with Hakka cultural characteristics are being developed as cultural and creative industries, at each stage of the product output life cycle, the most innovative strategies should be implemented, through planning of marketing strategy innovation, to elevate the competitiveness of Hakka industries. It is hoped that through planning of innovative strategies, specialty businesses can work with the government in developing a blue ocean market for Hakka cultural and creative industries to achieve sustainable development in which economics and culture can coexist, based on this, this study uses SWOT analytical theory, through literature review and in-depth interviews, with vendors with Hakka specialties as case studies to explore their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in developing Hakka cultural and creative merchandise. This study also explores the innovative strategies in the product life cycle and marketing, to provide recommendations for the government and other specialty vendors in the future. Finally, it is hoped that the research results can be provided to vendors with Hakka specialties, so that they can have more constructive referential indicators when developing cultural and creative industries in the future, so that vendors with Hakka specialties can sustain their operations in a rapidly changing time, to continue and pass on the vitality of Hakka culture. Keywords: Hakka cultural and creative industries, vendors with Hakka specialties, SWOT analysis, 4P marketing strategy |