技術服務廠商在國家經濟發展及公共建設上佔有極重要的角色。技術服務廠商之工 作品質良窳與否,直接影響公共建設的效能與安全。近年來,由於相關法令訂定,新增許多技術服務廠商之服務項目,但其服務費用卻並未隨著市場情況機動調整,國內公共工程工期延宕狀況屢見不鮮,長期下來,對於技術服務廠商產生勞務成本支出,補償無門。 本研究主要對於國內污水下水道工程案例技術服務工作契約仍執行中存有不公平合理之情形提出建議。並透過專家訪談之方式,了解現行法規執行中針對主辦機關委託技術服務廠商因非可歸責技術服務廠商的原因造成工期展延之問題,針對延長工程監造期間服務費用應如何計算合理補償方式,將現行法令之應予另加費用之規定,彙整以契約公式計算展延與模擬成本加公費法計算展延應合理之補償費用,並整體歸納出非可歸責廠商之原因分析,期能獲得主辦機關參考與解決問題。;Engineering service has been playing important role in the national construction projects and economic development. The quality of engineering service is directly related the function,efficiency and safety. In recent years, there were many new service items added to the scope of service, but the service fee was not adjusted. There were many projects extended or delayed and the payment in the extended period was not compensated and became dispute issues. The unfair provisions in the several engineering service contracts of sewer construction were studied in this research. Through interview with several experts, it is explored the issues related to payment in extended service period not liable to engineer service company, the regulations in the current legal system, and, the proper way of calculation of compensations, etc. It is expected that the result of this study can be a good reference for the client organization to resolve such issues.