建築不僅是人們生活的空間,更是文化的載體,它除了滿足人類生理安全需求,更展現出一個民族的文化特色。透過居宅型態的變遷、建材的選擇、建築的本體及建築空間的規劃,可以反映出一個民族的居住條件、民情風俗、生活智慧及歷史演進的過程。 本文欲透過《說文解字》中與建築相關的字群探索先民的居宅文化,文中除了採用《說文解字》及其他相關典籍資料之記載,並與考古出土文物、文獻互相參照,同時回歸探討漢字形體的演變,期能較正確地理解漢字與居宅文化之關聯。 根據本文之研究,可以透過漢字理解建築本身的發展歷程、看見古人在建築構件上精細的分類 ,也可以了解古人對各類建築的使用情形,並窺探古人在建築中寄託的倫理意識。此外,文中也嘗試歸納整理先賢研究成果,校補許慎《說文》釋形釋義之不足。 ;Architecture is not only the living space for people, it is also the carrier of culture. Besides fulfilling the safety needs of human beings, it also represents the cultural characteristics of a nationality. According to the changes of residential patterns, the choices of building materials, and the special planning of the building, we can see the evolution of the living conditions, and local customs of a nationality. In this article, to find the relationship of Chinese characters and the culture of architecture, we studied “Analytical Dictionary of Character Language” and other ancient books with the reference to the archaeological excavations and the evolution of Chinese characters.
According to our study, we understood the evolution progress of the ancient architecture, found the precise classification of architecture elements, realized the usage of various buildings style, and finally we found the ethical awareness inside the ancient architecture. In this article, we also organized the previous studies, as the supplements of “Analytical Dictionary of Character Language”from Xu Shen.