培田客家話位於連城境內,而連城地處閩西東部與閩語區接壤,客、閩方言間的接觸造成彼此的滲透之外,亦產生混合方言的成分。除此之外,此地曾為畲族聚居之地,與底層語的互動也是使語音發生改變的原因之一,在這些歷史與環境的背景之下,造就培田客家話特殊的面貌。 本文以閩西連城培田客家話為研究對象,以音韻研究為主,輔以詞彙的初步探討。本論文主要分為六個章節,第一章緒論,針對本文研究動機與目的進行說明,介紹連城境內方言使用行情形與培田史地概況,並對閩西、連城客家話相關研文獻進行回顧。第二章培田客家話語音系統,介紹其聲、韻、調及連讀變調。第三章培田客家話與中古韻的比較,試圖以中古音為起點觀察培田客家話從古到今的語音演變。第四章以跨聲母、跨韻攝的角度,綜合歸納培田客家話的語音特點,藉以觀察各類語音演變背後的演變機制,並透過方言或底層間的比較釐清語音演變的動因。第五章培田客家話詞彙及其特點,透過與周邊方言的詞彙比較及檢視其客家話特徵詞的比例,觀察培田客家話詞彙特殊之處,除了閩語滲透之外,亦有底層方言成分。第六章結論歸納培田客家話的音韻特點及詞彙特色,並檢討本研究不足之處,並提出檢討與建議。 ;Peitian village is located at Liancheng county which borders the area of Min dialects in the western Fujian province. In this area, the dialects have some phonological features due to the interaction between Hakka and Min dialects. In addition, She languages as substratum languages also had effect on phonological changes to some extent. The particular background caused the unusal appearance of Peitian Hakka dialect. The thesis is divided into six chapters.The first chapter is an introduction that consists of the motive and purpose, methodology, literature review. Besides, a brief description of historical and geographical background of Liancheng County are shown as well. The second chapter represents the phonetic system of Peitian Hakka dialect that is obtained from the field reseach, including the initials, finals, tones and the special tone sandhi. In the third chaper, a comparison is made between Peitian Hakka dialect and the middle Chinese phonetic system to discuss the sound evolvement and development of Peitian Hakka dialect. The fourth chapter focuses on the phonological features of the main research material. The fifth chapter demonstrates the study of vocabulary characteristics and the comparison among other western Fujian Hakka dialects such as Wuping and Yungding Hakka dialects. The last chapter is the conclusion of the research results, also, examination of the shortcomings of this study and possible future advices are provided to make further development of Peitian hakka dialect.