本論文的題目為《飲食抉擇之倫理思辨》,探究的目的是飲食抉擇的正確與否會影響生活環境,造成人類與地球生存的危機。本研究從環境的議題中,發現氣候暖化整體的關鍵問題在於飲食,飲食與環境的破壞是環環相扣的,而整體環境的破壞到個人的飲食問題關鍵在於吃肉,吃肉影響個人健康也使動物受苦。醫學科學家也追查致病的原因,發現是動物性食物引起的,尤其是牛奶中的酪蛋白。本論文剖析雜食的飲食方式對於現代的環境所產生的影響衍生的倫理問題,透過倫理學專家學者理論的爭辯以及社會實現觀感的爭議提出問題加以分析探究進而試圖解題。我的結論是;只要不吃肉就能緩解氣候暖化,只要不吃動物性食物就能有效抑制疾病使身體健康。因此之故,飲食要如何恰當的抉擇,提出適切的建言,期能對所選飲食方式加以肯定與堅持,容或對他人及整個人類社群有微薄的貢獻。;The topic “The speculation of Choice of diet” aims to discuss whether the choice of diet influence our environment or not, and cause the crisis of human living. The research found that the key point of global warming is diet. The destruction of the environment and diet are linked with one another. Eating meat causes the destruction of the environment. It also influences personal health and makes animals suffer. The scientists found that animal food and Casein protien which exists in milk make people sick. The way of Polyphagia has a great impact on the modern environment, especially on the ethics. Through the research of ethicists and the public perception, this topic try to analyze and solve the problem. At last, the research shows that if people refuse to eat meat, it will slow down the process of global warming, and make people healthy. Therefore, the thesis suggests that human should decide how to eat properly. Hopes the research makes contribute to the society.