台灣在2010年為促進文化創意產業的發展,通過「文化創意產業發展法」,其主要目的在於建構具有豐富文化及創意內涵之社會環境,運用科技與創新研發,健全文化創意產業人才培育,並積極開發國內外市場。而公部門中央的客委會與地方的客家事務局相繼成立,透過組織化與制度化推動客家文化保存工作,多年來,客家行政機關為扶持與繁榮客庄經濟,透過政策方案鼓勵企業或民間社團從事客家產業及改善現有客家產業體質,並結合客家文化內涵,運用創意於產業,提升產值與競爭力,促進客庄產業發展。基此,本研究擬以回應性評估(the responsive evaluation)為研究方法,著重政策利害關係人的內心感受,即政策利害關係人的訴求(claims)、關切(concern)、爭議(issues)(以下簡稱CCI)等回應性觀點,以客家文化特色產業政策為主軸研究,分別以「政策效益」、「行銷效益」、「經濟效益」、「客家文化效益」、「社會效益」等作為政策評估指標,藉由利害關係人不同意見之發現,希冀以政策盤點面的角度去思考,瞭解客家文化特色產業發展過程與目前執行情況為何,檢視政府賦權政策推動客家特色產業績效。 本研究經由深度訪談發現:委外策略講求效率卻有失文化底蘊;相關節慶活動帶起商機但缺乏穩定的行銷通路;對於客家文化認同度甚高;樂於傳授技藝卻苦無傳承。本研究擬訂客家特色產業之現況發展結果與未來發展之策略建議,作為日後客家文化創意產業發展之參考。 ;Taiwan passed the Cultural and Creative Industry Development Act in 2010 to promote the development of its cultural and creative industries. The act aims to construct a social environment with rich cultural and creative content, cultivate talents in the cultural and creative industries by using technology and innovative research and development measures, and develop domestic and overseas markets for these aforementioned industries. In addition, administrative agencies for Hakka affairs in the public sector have been established, in both the central government (Hakka Affairs Council), and local governments (Hakka Affairs Department), to facilitate preserving Hakka culture through organizational and institutional measures. Over the years, these administrative agencies have encouraged businesses and civil society groups to engage with Hakka-based industries and to enhance existing Hakka-based industries through policy programs to support and strengthen economic activities in Hakka communities. The aforementioned policies are expected to facilitate the creative integration of Hakka culture with industries, thereby increasing industry output value and productivity and stimulating industrial development in Hakka communities. Therefore, this study applied responsive evaluation to investigate the stance of policy stakeholders, specifically focusing on the responsive viewpoints of their claims, concerns, and policy issues. The present study focused on investigating policies for businesses that feature Hakka cultures. The development and current status of such businesses and how the government developed empowerment policies that promote the businesses that feature Hakka cultures were examined on the basis of the opinions of interested parties.