摘要: | 台灣房仲業的演變,從「樓面」式的經營,到「店面」式的立店競爭;從「牽猴仔」的產業印象,到「經紀人員」證照專業化的素質提升,不動產經紀業自施行「不動產經紀業管理條例」法制化以後,發展至今已有16年。 不動產經紀業的盛衰榮枯,一向受到經濟發展、政府政策、社會結構、科技創新及環保意識影響至深,每經歷一個階段性重大改變,產業競爭就愈加白熱化,不論是單店經營到連鎖品牌形象的競逐,從本土在地化到國際行銷的躍進,房仲業也逐漸在調整產業型態,積極整合品牌資源,朝多元化、集團化發展。 然而,隨著近期全球經濟連環波動,國內投資環境的衰退,造成不動產成交量的大量萎縮,已嚴重影響房仲業的市場經營。面對高度競爭的環境及產業不利的條件,房仲業將如何因應、擬定策略及做好佈局,才能繼續保有競爭優勢實為關鍵的課題。本研究針對台灣不動產經紀業者當前產業環境改變、同業的競爭壓力,藉以探討房仲業者面對挑戰如何運籌帷幄,掌握先機,並保有競爭優勢。 本研究採用個案研究法,以台灣房屋為研究對象,探討其如何從本土直營品牌,利用其在地化30年品牌市佔優勢,整合公司旗下資源,發展成為一家國際品牌的房仲業者。本研究藉由觀察、文獻及次級資料的蒐集,運用 Porter 五力分析模型和 SWOT 分析模型等理論,分析探討個案公司在競爭激烈的產業環境,其經營管理及發展策略之關鍵生存因素為何,並針對個案分析結果,提出以下個案公司及房仲業者未來制定經營策略及行動方案的建議。 一、不動產經紀業產業未來經營策略,將以服務品質差異及通路優勢為市場競爭主軸。房仲業者除了提升自身服務品質,未來發展更須著重永續經營能力與企業核心價值的延續。 二、電子商務、社群資訊平台興起,影響消費行為,互補性策略聯盟有助於擴大行銷通路,以企業內部效率化,提高客戶服務品牌價值。;It has been 16 years since the government of Taiwan established “Real Estate Broking Management Act” in 1999. The legislation changed people’s perception of real estate brokerage business in Taiwan. With such regulations and the certifications required, the professional competence of real estate brokers and agents has improved substantially. In addition, most brokerage firms, which deal with individual clients of residential properties or street-front retail shops, also relocated reception desks from the upper floor to the ground floor to provide better services. Economic developments, governmental policies, social structures, technology innovations, and inhabitants’ awareness of environmental protection all have great impacts on real estate market cycles. As industry evolution continues and business competition is getting fiercer and fiercer, real estate brokerage firms are adapting to changing business ecosystems as well. There are several major real estate brokerage firms have been developing national franchises for years. Among them, few industry leaders also expand their business to overseas markets and become conglomerates with diversified business exposures. However, owing to the slowdown of global economies, most investors tend to be more conservative in acquiring new investments. As a result, companies having real estate business like project developers and brokerage firms suffered from declining transaction volumes. In order to maintain competitive strengths and keep profitable, executives in real estate business should identify strategic alternatives and take actions as soon as possible. This study not only illustrates current environments and competition among local realtors in Taiwan but draws conclusions about how real estate brokerage firms can survive from recent economic turmoil and points out winning solutions. This study takes “Taiwan Realty” as the case of investigation. The study discusses how Taiwan Realty takes advantage of its leading position in regional markets, like Taoyuan and Hsinchu, and grows from a local brokerage firm to a global conglomerate with diversified business exposures and hundreds of branches and franchisees in Taiwan, Japan, Canada, and the U.S. With participant observations, literature reviews, and available secondary data, this research utilizes Porter’s five forces model and the SWOT analysis to analyze the case. By reviewing and studying how Taiwan Realty competed against other competitors and how it reached decisions in certain circumstances, this thesis derives options for the case company and other real estate brokerage firms to develop strategies and action plans for future development. 1. In the long run, quality of and access to services would be the core competitive strength for real estate brokerage firms. In addition to improving their service quality, real estate brokerage firms also need to keep up their sustainable management capacities and core corporate values as follows: 2. Emergence of e-commerce and social networking websites has been influencing consumer behaviors dramatically. As a result, it would be helpful for companies to increase their market shares by building up complementary strategic alliances. Also, in order to shine their brand values, enterprises need to improve internal efficiency accordingly. |