摘要: | 在當代第三世界新興國家的形成與後殖民研究中,國家認同的建構與特定社群的關係成為重要的研究領域。第三世界多數新興國家被訓練去模仿建立成為十八世紀以後西歐所形成之國族—國家(nation-state)型態的政體。泰國也是如此,自1898年始展開一系列泰化政策,少數民族被迫遺忘原有的記憶被建構成新的國族,追隨主政者的腳步,主動加入同化的行列,成為「同質性」國家的一環。這些少數族群與國家的關係為何?其自我認同是否產生改變?國族政策是否有效?雙方是否存在矛盾與衝突?往往成為當代人類學、社會學、政治學或族群研究的焦點。 本研究接續前幾年的泰國客家研究,聚焦於南部與中部的客家族群如何在強大的同化政策、複雜的族群互動、激烈的文化衝突下,傳承其客家文化與發展族群認同。中部的客家族群主要面對泰人、華人、寮人與孟人的競爭;南部則須面對馬來穆斯林、泰人與華人之間的衝突。因此,本研究希望經由泰國中部與南部客家族群的比較,探討客家族群如何在特殊的政治、經濟、文化與歷史脈絡下自我調整與轉換,採取哪些不同的認同與文化策略?如何與週遭的族群互動?發展出怎麼樣的族群關係?以掌握與深化對於泰國客家族群多樣貌的理解。 ;Among the postcolonial studies on the formation of the contemporary third-world emerging countries, the construction of national identity and relationships amongst the specific communities have become a critical area of research. Numerous emerging third-world countries have been trained to imitate and establish into another post-eighteenth century Western European nation-state pattern government. Thailand is one such country. It has initiated a series of Thai-based policies since 1898 that forced the minorities to forget their original identities and form into a new nation. The people have followed the footsteps of those in power, actively joined the ranks of assimilation, and become a segment of the "homogenous" country. Questions such as what are the relationships between this minorities and the country, have these people's self-identity changed, have the national policies become more effective, and do contradictions and conflicts exist between the parties have often become the focus of the contemporary anthropology, sociology, political science, or ethnicity related studies. This study is a continuation of the Thai Hakka studies in the past few years and focuses on how have the Hakka people in the southern and central regions of Thailand pass on their Hakka culture and heritage as well as develop their ethnic identity under the overwhelming assimilation policies, complex ethic interactions, and intense cultural conflicts. The Hakka group in the central region has to face competitions from the Thai, Chinese, Lao, and Mon people; and the Hakka group in the southern region have to face conflicts with the Malay Muslims as well as the Thai and Chinese people. Therefore, the objective of this study is to compare the Central and Southern Hakka groups in Thailand and explore how they self-adjust and transition under the special political, economic, cultural, and historical contexts. The aim is to understand the various identity and cultural strategies, interactions with the surrounding communities, and the resulting ethnic relationships in order to have a deeper grasp and understanding on the diversity of the Thai Hakka groups. ;研究期間:10501 ~ 10511 |