摘要: | 宗親與宗族組織,一直是客家重要的文化象徵符號與族群組織,但今日,它所面對的社會與歷史處境已與過往有明顯的不同。客家宗親會在喪葬婚俗、傳統祭祀、廟會節慶、地方政治與選舉動員上,扮演重要角色,但是在面對高度的資源競爭與流動之際,宗親會如何作為權力的文化網絡,以及與內外部資源控制互動,是值得討論的議題。本計畫研究焦點在於探討客家傳統社群團體的建構與持續如何可能,主要研究目標有兩個:一、分析宗親會跟文化節慶事務的關係網絡、權力支配與內外部資源控制的程度;二、剖析北部客家地域地方公共事務跟宗親會的關係,以了解客家宗親政治的運作與影響力。 本研究是兩年期的研究計畫。第一年將藉由探討宗親會參與日常生活之婚喪互助活動與傳統文化節慶兩個領域,來呈現宗親會的文化網絡與資源依賴。第二年則是延續探討宗親會跟公共事務與地方選舉的關係,來分析宗親會跟外部權力機構間的動員結盟模式。本研究採取文獻分析、參與觀察、深度訪談研究法,探討宗親(宗族)團體在文化節慶與動員結盟領域的參與,了解其權力的文化網絡與資源依賴的現況,最後朝向提出適當概念與解釋,並發表相關研究成果。 ;Hakka clans and lineages have been an important cultural symbol and ethnic organiztions, but today, the social and historic situation which they face has been significantly different from the past. Hakka clan associations have always played an important role in the funeral, sacrifice ritual, religious carnival, local politics and electoral mobilization. But faced with a lot of competition for resources, how do they become a cultural nexus of power and interact with internal and external resource control, is worthy of discussion. This research is focused on exploring the construction and sustainable development of traditional Hakka community groups. The two goals of this research are: first, to analyze the network of relationships, relation of dominations, and the degree of control of internal and external resources between clan groups and cultural festivals affairs. Second, to analyze the relationships between local public affairs and clan groups in Hakka area in northern Taiwan. In this study, we will use theory of cultural nexus of power of Prasenjit Duara and theory of resource dependence of Pfeffer and Salancik as two important points, to analyze the formation of the local community and the development of modernity of Hakka clan groups. This research is a two-year tern study plan. First year will focus on participating in mutual activities of daily life and traditional cultural festivals, to present clan groups’ cultural networks and resource dependence. Second year will extend to discuss the relationships between local affairs and local elections of clan groups and to find out the model of mobilization and alliance. This research take literature reviews, participating observation, in-depth interview as ways to explore the relation between clan groups, cultural festival and mobilization as to work towards the end proposing appropriate concept and interpretation, structuring related theories and present the outcome relating to this research. ;研究期間:10501 ~ 10511 |