摘要: | 全球化與現代性變遷為當代社會帶來快速改變,現代性充滿不確定的因素也讓社會處於持續變動當中。青年處在社會快速全球化之際,多數望向現代的、資本的、核心的區域或領域前往,然而,在桃園卻有些青年受到了不同的召喚,走了一條不一樣的路徑來思考自己與家鄉的關係,進而創引在地相關行動。因此,本研究將以桃園藝文陣線返鄉青年為主體,探究其面對全球化與現代性變遷時,選擇以「返鄉」投入在地實踐之契機與種種相關行動。 本研究關心的是,青年做為文化傳承延續之重要載體,回到故鄉與家鄉後,選擇運用何種策略走進地方,進而形成有別於傳統社區總體營造的模式,同時,本研究也將探討青年做為行動實踐者,其個人之生命經驗與認同的轉變又是什麼?最後,桃園藝文陣線做為新興之社群團體,團隊成員間具有哪些共同的特性/習性或特質,他們在紮根在地之際,碰到了哪些挑戰?來自哪裡?將來又有哪些可能的障礙? 本研究發現,返鄉青年自發性的操演實踐,對於議題的掌握與在地串聯與策略運用具有正向連結:(一)受太陽花學運影響,促使桃園藝文陣線成立與誘發返鄉青年在地思考與關懷(二)看見返鄉青年藉由藝文能量串聯,以藝術進入社區投入在地實踐(三)返鄉青年個人認同呈現多重交織型態樣貌(四)活動號召與宣傳,結合傳播媒介應用,展現青年世代創意與效率(五)社會網絡正向連結,開啟青年返鄉擾動地方的契機。 最後,看見青年世代做為重要文化傳承者,做為行動者透過實踐與在地創造互動關係,就是一種對應全球化與現代性發展之下的可行性,使得「青年返鄉」成為實踐的可能。 ;Globalization and Modernity bring about rapid social changes and uncertainties for the young generation in contemporary society. Many young generation go towards entering to more modern, industrial, capital area, such as metropolis, to develop their lives. However, some of them consider the relationship between themselves and hometown in the different way, and cause to new local practice in Taiwan. This research is based on the case of “Taoyuan Art and Culture Front” to explore how the contemporary youth to consider the problem of globalization on their hometown and Taiwan, and why they decide to return home; how they use new strategy different from to “Community Renaissance” for local practice. Furthermore, this research discuss that these young agents face many changes in their life experiences and identity. Finally, it will discuss that, as a new social association, “Taoyuan Art and Culture Front” represents many new characteristics and challenges, and provides some possibilities and experiences for the young generation. The research shows that the youth home-returning has positive and strong linking with local issue and Taiwan society. First, The Sunflower Movement enlighten the youth to found the “Taoyuan Art and Culture Front”. Second, the youth use “Arts into Community Building” for local practice. Third, the youth have multi-identity of their own lives.Fourth, the youth apply the Internet and new media for disseminating activities. Fifth, from the case of “Taoyuan Art and Culture Front”, we can find the positive response from communities to the youth local practice. In conclude, the youth play an important role in cultural inheritance in local society, and the case of “Taoyuan Art and Culture Front” try to find a new way to respond to the influences of globalization and modernity in Taiwan, and make the possibility for the young generation to return home. |