本文藉由分析兩檔市場上常見的結構型商品,提供市場參與者分析商品的方法,期望能使投資人進行投資時,能更完整的了解商品,進行投資。再依據避險方案訂出獲利點以賺取合理利潤。 ;This thesis analyzes two kinds of structured notes: Equity-Linked Note and Dual Currencies Linked Note. By examining these two types of structured products, investors can realize that although high interest-rate is contingent in structural product, they still need to carefully analyze and watch future market conditions to avoid possible risks. In addition, by setting the early redemption provision, the bank can redeem the note so that investors can not get the high interests.
By analyzing two popular structure products in the market, this paper provides market participants an approach to analyze similar products. It is expected that investors can know more about the product before they invest, and have an investment plan to make a reasonable profit.