中國大陸地區早期生活用紙的概念,停留在地區性以草梗等原生材料所生產的衛生紙,當在台灣於早期已非常成熟的生活用紙大廠-個案公司A,進入市場時,以先進的設備及技術及有效的行銷通路,短暫的時間內即推展出傲人之成績。然而中國大陸之生活用紙市場,消費市佔率是排在北美和西歐之後的第三大消費區,在一個自由競爭的環境,面對如此巨大的市場,無論是國營單位或外資企業,無不紛紛於中國大陸各地擴充產能。面對2010年後競爭者大規模量產,導致個案公司逐漸喪失競爭優勢與領導地位,因此本研究深入探討個案公司的經營策略與調整方案。 2013年開始,隨著新項目的投產,生產規模及技術的到位,產能利用率下降到80%以下(生活用紙協會, 2014),2015年更進入全面價格戰。2015年,中國大陸面對油價上漲,更使供應鏈上游的成本提高,生活用紙產業雖依然充滿活力,但也進入到高投資低毛利的環境。此短期及巨大的變化,無不影響個案A公司在市場中的營運狀況。 本研究以研究個案公司在市場變化時,從整體產業環境至個案經營分析,直至其每段時期之發展策略;本研究採取個案研究法,並蒐集歷史資料,以作為分析個案公司之營運策略、並尋得個案公司發展之關鍵成功因素。 針對個案公司之研究,本研究得出以下結論:一、力求品質精進及產品創新之經營策略;二、利用環境機會,推出異業結合之供應鏈整合方式;三、供應鏈管理以控制成本及效能,以擴大市場規模;四、多角化經營,並與主業相輔相承,以求永續發展之經營方針。;“Household Paper Industry” in China has a great change in recent decades. A concept of premium tissue paper made of 100% of virgin pulp with the most modernist tissue paper machine, which is brought in by a Taiwanese biggest paper manufacturer in 1990s. Since China has been recognized a biggest market all over the world; within ten years, the market was becoming extremely competitive and shared by foreigner tissue manufactures’ group and others of companies invested by the government. Also, with the cost-up caused by the exchange rate and the fuel price, the integration of supply chain is becoming a critical issue to the company to reduce the risk of increasing operation cost. This research is to find out how the case company is to survive in the most competitive environment in the world. By reviewing the related literature, a case study research was conducted to find out the SWOT analysis, supply chain management, layers of company strategy and key success factors will be presented in the end of the research. The conclusion of the case study will be presented as three points as: 1. both of quality control and product innovation are main strategies used by the case company to fit the market opportunities. 2. to integrate units in the supply chain to control the quality as pull force in Porter’s five force theory. 2. a cost leadership strategy is led by supply chain management to reduce the risk of market threat of the environment. 4. a sustainable development of the case company with diversify into new industry area.