現代人壽命延長,致使全世界各國的醫療產業正在蓬勃發展,也帶動對各種醫材的需求,此外科技的演進與發展使各類新醫材不斷帶入市場,促使整體醫材市場朝向一個正循環的發展。另隨科技進步與工作型態的轉變,現代人使用眼睛的時間大幅增加,加速眼睛的老化,眼疾患者有年輕化趨勢,且眼睛傷害多不可恢復,眼睛保健隨健康觀念進步更受重視,眼科診斷儀器的發展逐漸受到重視並投入資源開發。 C公司為少數台灣幾家從事高階醫療影像儀器研發及製造的公司。台灣醫療器材廠商多著墨在醫用耗材與居家醫材,而眼科醫療器材在技術層次上遠高於一般居家醫材,主要供應商也多為國際大廠,C公司在國內屬於領先廠商,富有指標意義,以做為未來發展之參考。 本研究採用個案分析法,透過與高階主管的訪談,並進行相關文獻及次級資料的蒐集、分析,採用五力分析探討個案公司在垂直產業面向所面臨之潛在競爭者、市場同業與替代品所造成之威脅及水平市場面向供應商與消費者之議價能力;並採用SWOT分析就個案公司之優勢、缺點、機會與威脅,結果顯示C公司研發能量充沛、技術自主,但C公司係屬新創公司產品種類單薄、品牌外溢效果不彰,惟增加曝光度與知名度,提升市場滲透率,仍是C公司必須克服的問題。 本研究從產業分析、行銷策略及經營模式之角度,深入探討C公司之眼科高階醫療儀器是否具有發展價值,結果顯示C公司藉由代工所獲之技術投身於研發,並選擇信譽良好的通路商進行合作,借重通路商長期以來在該區域的建立的人際脈絡,並朝自有品牌之姿,站上國際舞台,除協助原先重度依賴資訊科技產業的產業鏈轉型外,亦證明臺灣還有強勁的醫療相關實力。;The medical industry has flourishing development due to the longevity. At the meanwhile, the unprecedented technology innovation is a gear pushing the medical devices market toward a new page. Many modern people suffer from the eye diseases since overused their eyes, especially the young age. The damage of the eye is usually irreversible. That is why the eye maintenance becomes a topic in the recent years and more companies devote on this area. C company is one of the few companies in Taiwan devotes to the development and manufacture of the high level ophthalmology medical imaging devices. Most of the medical device companies in Taiwan focus on the medical consumable products and home use medical products. Ophthalmic instruments are with more advanced technologies compared to the general home-use medical devices and materials. Besides, most of the major suppliers are from the overseas. C company is the leading company in Taiwan for this area, so it can be an index and reference for the future development of the related products. Case study methodology is adopted in the thesis. In order to analyze the strategy of the company, some managers have been interviewed for gathering information, and the related documents and data were collected and analyzed. The five force model is used to measure the bargain power between the suppliers and consumers from the vertical view and the threat regarding to the product substitutes and potential competitors from the horizon view. The SWOT analysis is also adopted for evaluating the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat that the company is confronted with. The result indicates that the company have sufficient research accomplishments and technical capabilities but the product premium effect is insufficient due to the scarcity of product categories. It reveals that the company still has some problems to be overcome, such as the exposure rate; the brand reputation and the product penetration in the medical industry are to be raised. This thesis studies the values to develop the high level ophthalmic instruments in C company from the aspects of industry analysis, marketing strategy and business models. The result reveals that C company accumulates its technical capability from the OEM business model, and chooses the reputable channels to cooperate. By leveraging the relationships of the chosen channels, C company uses its own brand to march into the internal market. This model helps the 3C industry value chains to convert to the medical industry value chain; also it proves there is strong medical industry capability in Taiwan.