目前全球經濟成長趨緩,大多數國家為了刺激景氣都採取寬鬆貨幣政策,中國也面臨了國內產能過剩與有效供給不足,經濟下滑的壓力也不斷擴大,以往兩位數的高速經濟成長率已不復見,在複雜嚴峻的國際情勢下,2015年僅能保有經濟成長率6.9%穩定成長的態勢。但消費對中國GDP成長的貢獻度已達六成,表示未來中國靠內需市場的消費比重將日益重要。而餐飲業正是支撐中國內需消費市場的重要民生產業。 面對中國餐飲消費能力逐年攀升,餐飲市場規模不斷擴大,許多包括台商在內的外資連鎖餐飲業者都積極進入中國市場,想搶先占有一席之地。 創業要成功需要天時、地利、人和,三者缺一不可,而企業主較能掌控的是人和這個重要因素,整體組織的運作需要精準的定位、品質良好的產品及整體營運管理計畫執行,方能降低企業營運風險,立於不敗之地。 本文最終的研究目的是希望透過經濟學產業分析的方式來研究中國連鎖茶飲市場,讓有心進入該產業經營的台商或是高階主管能夠做為創業評估的依據。;The global economy is slowdown currently. In order to stimulate the economy, most of countries have adopted the quantitative easing monetary policy. China also faces domestic excess capacity and insufficient supplies, and the recession has deepened. The high economic growth rate didn’t return. In such serious international situation, it only kept 6.9% of the economic growth rate. The contribution of domestic consumption in China is up to 60% of GDP growth. It shows that in the future, the reliance on domestic market is increasingly important in China. Moreover, the catering industry is exactly the important livelihood industry in China. Since the consuming ability has been rising year by year and the market size of the catering industry has been expanding constantly, many foreign chain restaurants including Taiwanese enterprises actively enter the market for occupying a place. The success of entrepreneurship requires the right time, the right place, and the right social connections, and for the enterprise owner, the factor of the right social connections is much easier to control. The whole organization operation needs the exact position, good quality products, and the whole operating plans to reduce the operational risk and be in a unassailable position. The final purpose of this study is to analyze the way through the industry economics to study the Chinese tea market chain, so the Taiwanese executives who want to enter in the industry or business venture can serve as the basis of assessment.