銀行業者為提升經營績效及擴大經濟規模、市場佔有率,最直接及常見的方式就是增設分行,但由於主管機關對於分行執照取得以及搬遷許可之相關規定非常複雜,所以各家銀行業者對於後續分行據點的選擇就顯得相當重要,所有銀行業者都希望分行能設立在最具經營價值之區域以提高獲利能力。因此,新分行之設立是銀行極重要的經營策略。 惟近年來國內金融環境的變化劇烈,在國內外多家金融機構相互競爭之下,新設分行需如何操作,如何更有效率的經營,以利潤中心為導向,這都是新設分行現階段極需努力的方向。本文先利用國內外文獻回顧探討,透過銀行產業發展之趨勢分析,除可了解銀行通路發展現況外,並藉由五力分析針對銀行產業給予新設分行適當之建議。 因應數位金融時代 (Bank 3.0) 來臨,金融市場的風貌大異於以往,銀行面臨轉型壓力,傳統分行價值下滑,銀行不應逃避,更應把握時機好好提升競爭力,本文經由個案分行營運現況探討,了解個案分行目前經營之策略及面臨之挑戰,利用SWOT分析法及專家深入訪談法分析,找出個案分行經營成功之方式,並提出相關發展競爭策略建議,期望做為未來銀行設置新分行經營之參考。 ;Opening branches is the most direct and common way for bankers to promote operating performance and to expand both economies of scale and the market share. As the relevant provisions of bank branches and relocation are complicated, bankers would select most profitable districts for new branches. Therefore, opening new branches is a very important business strategy. Recently, the financial environment changes dramatically. Domestic and foreign financial institutions compete with each other. In this situation, bankers who open new branches should regard profit as purpose and consider how to operate and manage efficiently for the new branch. In response to the Digital Finance (Bank 3.0), bankers should seize the opportunity rather than escape from transition and value decline in traditional branches problems. In this paper, first of all, we review and sort related literature. Then we analyze the development of bank industry to illustrate the development of channel nowadays. Also, based on Porter′s Five Forces model, we make suggestions for all new bank branches. Except for industrial analysis, a selected firm’s case study is also included. Through the case, we figure out the case’s successful way of operating strategies and the challenges of it via SWOT approach and making deeply interview with experts. Finally, we make some appropriate recommendations of competitive strategies, which are expected to be the reference for new branch operating in the future.