本研究目的在於探討從台灣的經濟發展狀況,到其機電產業的情勢與未來發展趨勢等環境特性,進行個案(台達電子機電事業群)在台灣市場通路經營現況的深入探討,藉以了解分析經銷商在該產業所造成的影響力及優質的經銷商管理體系對市場發展佔著重要性的地位,希望透過此研究,能進而對其經銷商規劃、管理經銷商體系的營運與作業管理,予以深入分析探討與歸納。 台灣機電市場超過60%是透過經銷商直接或間接販售到終端客戶,因此在掌握經銷商即是掌握市場的前提下,供應商紛紛尋求經銷商的協助,以為自身的產品在市場中增加能見度,爭取到更大的市場佔有率和豐厚的利潤。但在建構和管理經銷商時會遭受到一些困境,因此如何有效的規劃、建置及整合經銷商管理體系對於與各地經銷商相互合作並建立起良好的夥伴關係是極為重要的條件,其可為合作雙方創造出共有的競爭優勢及獲利空間。所以這即是本研究深入探討的議題─有效的經銷商管理體系,包含建立有效的管理經銷商體系的內容,運作方式及其體系間的關聯性。;The present study was to investigate the distributor management system for the case of the Delta Electronics, Electrical and Mechanical Services Group (DEEMSG). Since the economic development in Taiwan, the mechanical and electrical industries have played an important role for the past twenty years. The DEEMSG is one of the leading manufacturing firm in the related industries. To understand and analyze the dealer’s planning, operation, and management skills would enhance the DEEMSG’s competence and increase its productivity in the future. Taiwan electrical and mechanical market has the feature that more than 60% of the sales are go through the distributors to the end customer, directly or indirectly. The suppliers have to seeking the assistance by the dealers in order to increasing the market visibility of their products. However, the establishment and the management of dealer’s system have many challenges. In this research, we used the transaction cost theory as our analytical framework to build an integrated dealer management system. Our analysis emphasizes the importance of mutual cooperation. We found that establishing a good partnership with the dealers is a very important condition that creates competitive advantages and profit margins.