2013年美國研究統計,空氣污染造成550萬人死亡,且都市中的CO2有40%是由交通工具排放的廢氣所產生。其中柴油公車所排放之微粒及化合物,更是使人類造成肺癌的主要污染物。因此,將柴油公車汰換為電動公車,是世界多數國家交通政策中,主要發展政策。 然而,電動公車於發展推動初期,在製造商無法達到經濟規模之情況下,以致於製造及零組件成本偏高,相對的銷售金額便居高不下,因而直接影響電動公車營運業者營運成本,降低購置的意願,也使得電動公車推動受到阻礙。電動公車屬於大眾運輸工具之一,在推動初期未能達到預期情況下,必須仰賴政府的補助,才能降低營運業者的購置成本,提高購置意願。 由於政府的補助政策對電動公車的發展影響甚大,因此,本研究將以五種不同補助政策進行情境假設,以車輛、充電機、電費及差別票價等補助方式,進行試算及分析,以尋求最佳的補助模式,使電動公車營運業者之營運成本,能趨近於柴油公車營運成本,促使營運業者能提高電動公車購置、營運的意願。 經五種情境分析後,電動公車如採用乘車人次數給予補助,每一乘車人次給予2元補助,便可使電動公車營運成本與柴油公車營運成本相當,此方式為本研究中求得之最佳模式。研究中情境二之分析發現,購置補助應針對充電站及充電機補助,對電動公車營運成本能較有效益。;According to the research from the US, about 5.5 million people were death by the cause of air pollution in 2013. The related research also discovered that the exhaust of the bus diesel engine will cause cancers. Many countries have paid the efforts on the subsidy policy that transform the diesel engine bus system to electric bus in order to reduce the air pollution. But electric bus cannot achieve economic of scale when at the beginning of the development stage. The reasons come from the higher cost of purchasing electric bus as well as the operating costs. Under this situation, the government usually has to adopt the subsidy policy to help the private sector for public transportation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the operating costs under the assumption of five different government subsidy policies. Our analysis based on the assumptions that include vehicle purchasing subsidy, electricity charging subsidy and passengers ticketing subsidy. Our results show that the optimal policy is adopting the policy of passenger ticketing subsidy. If the government subsidizes the amount of NT$ 2.31 per trip for the passenger, the operating costs to running the electric bus will be the same as to running the diesel engine bus. Furthermore, the results indicate that the subsidy for charging system has better efficiency than the subsidy for purchasing vehicle because of the consideration of vehicle’s depreciation.