摘要: | 近年來,女性接受高等教育比例提升,也開始勇於肯定自我價值,在職場上積極爭取展現能力的機會,故擔任管理職務或自行創業之女性人數逐年增加,收入也隨之 成長。由於高收入女性肩負管理或經營企業之重任,平日公務繁忙,即使假日或休 假期間,可能還需處理公事,確實較難擁有屬於自己的時間。
企業通常會為高階管理人聘僱秘書協助業務,但偶爾也需處理主管交辦之私人事 務,若時常委請秘書幫忙,難免影響專業形象,此時可考慮請頂級信用卡之白金秘書處理,但實際體驗後發現,服務品質與期待存有落差。
本研究為提供高收入女性專屬服務之創業計畫,以了解白金秘書業務與市場上經營類似服務之廠商,依所展現之服務品質,與高收入女性之期望進行比較,發現服務缺口,藉以找到商機,並透過可行性分析,降低未來經營風險,作為創業參考之依據。;Nowadays, females have received higher education, on par with the males. This results in rising income, social status, as well as self-awareness for female at large. Many have risen to senior managerial positions in businesses. While the high income female leaders and women entrepreneurs are busy at work, many are unable to achieve work-life balance and devote her full energy into endless projects and assignments, even without taking weekend or days off.
Normally, senior executives have their own secretary to handle busty business schedules and to take care of routine errands. However, it is often unsuitable for them to rely on company secretaries to handle personal chores. As such, there is a market for Concierge service, serving executives with various personal errands. For example, buying concert tickets, sending birthday flowers, cakes or presents to family members, etc. These can be better served by concierge services instead of company secretaries. However, many of these services are generic and not customized to individual needs.
This study attempts to exploit the opportunities brought in by this service requirement gap, and propose a business startup plan to establish a new service based on the Concierge service concept, focusing on high-income females, designed especially to make their life easier. Feasibility of the plan is also examined. |