塗料產業屬於傳統產業,由於近年來台灣的勞動成本與土地取得成本高,使得塗料廠商在近十年來間逐漸外移至中國大陸與東南亞等國家,台灣讓塗料產業產生空洞化的現象。由於,台灣塗料產業具有廠商規模小而且廠商數量多的特性,因此,不容易產生規模經濟現象。台灣塗料產業的轉型與技術升級都需仰賴政府與廠商共同努力,才能維持台灣塗料產業在國際間的競爭力。 本研究的目的在於分析台灣塗料產業的競爭優劣態勢,利用SWOT與五力分析探討塗料產業在國際間所面臨的競爭課題。藉由競爭策略分析瞭解目前台灣的產業現況,藉著台灣具有的競爭優勢條件持續創造利基的市場;也瞭解產業目前的不利因素,積極改善並克服這些發展的障礙。本研究透過產業的優劣勢與外在機會與挑戰等資訊,提供台灣塗料產業未來的發展方向。;Paint and coating manufacturers belong to the traditional industry in Taiwan, however, a large number of paint and coating manufacturers are moving to China and Southeast Asia in the past decade because of the increasing of labor costs and land acquisition costs in Taiwan. Due to the developing countries provide inexpensive labors and lands, the paint and coating industry in Taiwan is getting less competitive in the global market. Furthermore, the Taiwan paint and coating industry has the characteristics of large quantities of small-sized firms, it is hard to getting benefits from the economy of scale. Therefore, both manufacturing firms and government face the problems that how to transform the industry from the traditional labor-intensive based industry to high technological based industry. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Taiwanese paint and coating industry based on the framework of SWOT and Five Forces Analysis. Furthermore, we use the import and export data to find the comparative advantage and disadvantage in recent years. Through the strategic analysis of this industry, we could have much information about the current strengths and weaknesses of the Taiwanese paint and coating industry. This would help to overcome the obstacles that hinders the industry development and to enhance the competitiveness in the international markets. Our research provides a useful direction for Taiwanese paint and coating manufacturers to make right strategies and help them with future development.