摘要: | 3C產品發展至今,各式各樣的線材規格充斥於不同裝置之間,不僅常常讓使用者無所適從,同時也容易造成浪費。市場亟需一種傳輸速度更快,充電效率更高,並能統一線材規格的介面,而通用序列埠USB (Universal Serial Bus) 3.1規格搭配Type-C連接介面便於此時應運而生,未來只需要一條USB傳輸線,即可達成資料傳輸、顯示以及充電的功能。 回顧USB 3.0發展歷程,眾多國內外廠商看好市場潛力,卻在投入大量人力及高額研發費用後鎩羽而歸。USB 3.1介面此次捲土重來,企業如何掌握商機以及避免重蹈覆轍,將是能否成功的關鍵。本研究以台灣通用序列埠積體電路 (Integrated Circuit, 簡稱IC) 設計產業為研究範疇,並以個案公司為研究對象,以五力分析以及資源基礎觀點方式進行探討,再利用SWOT分析找出USB IC設計產業的競爭策略方向。 研究結果發現,保持技術優勢、健全組織制度、增進客戶關係、強化供應鏈管理等四個主軸,是目前個案公司所可以參考的發展策略方針。並透過將研發動能聚焦在有潛力的產品之上,進而縮短產品上市時程,以有競爭力的差異化產品擴大市佔,獲取超額之利潤。 ;With the evolution of computer, communication technologies, and consumer electronics, various kinds of connecting interfaces were created correspondingly for diverse devices, which makes consumers confused and moreover, results in waste. People need a brand-new interface that is able to integrate these different interfaces as well as provides quicker data transmitting and faster charging. These features are implemented in the latest USB (Universal Serial Bus) 3.1 specification and no more complicated connections will be needed but a single USB cable. Retracing the growth of USB 3.0, this specification was expected to well spread into the market originally, but it failed despite, many firms had invested plenty of human resources and money into this technology. Then, how to seize the opportunity and prevent from repeating the failure is important for a firm to success in the industry. This research focuses on the USB IC Design industry, and analyzes the intensity of competition in the industry, identifies the valuable resources of the case using Five Forces Model and the Resource Based View, and then develops proper strategies through SWOT matrix. The result shows that keeping technical advantage, improving the organization system, enhancing customer relationship, and strengthening supply chain management are actions at the moment appropriate for the firm to take. Furthermore, emphasizing on developing competitive differentiated products and shortening the product development process can reduce the time to market and increase the market shares, leading to a better chance for the firm to earn excess profits. |