本論文以提升輪型機器人之移動能力為目標,結合二輪驅動機器人與跳躍機構,平地時可以利用輪型快速、靈活的移動,當遇到障礙時,可用跳躍功能克服。跳躍機構的部分透過馬達驅動機構壓縮兩個彈簧做為主要動力,此設計具有動力補充便利與穩定的優點。為了避免機構在跳躍著地時損壞,在輪框設計了Y形防震機構。利用ABS塑料及碳纖維來提升機構的強度並減輕重量,以實現較好的跳躍能力。輪型移動部分採用二輪驅動方式,並設計模糊控制器來修正方向,以提升機器人的移動性能。最後,加入了家用監控功能,利用嵌入式開發板架設網頁伺服器,讓使用者遠端遙控操作機器人,透過即時影像回傳執行監看任務,搭配感測器偵測機器人所在環境及緊急求救開關和簡訊警示功能,可應用在居家照護等情境。 本論文成功整合輪型跳躍機器人和家用監控系統,機器人的最大垂直跳躍高度為25公分高,最長水平移動距離為25公分,並改善機器人之機動能力,使其具備有穩定跨越障礙,克服室內的高低地形,例如:門檻、階梯等,讓機器人可以順利進行監控任務。 ;This thesis aims to improve the mobility of the wheeled-type robot. Combining with jumping function, the wheeled-model robot can work effectively in two usual conditions in a house: for the wheeled-model, it can move fast on the smooth surface; for the jumping-model, it can jump over low obstacles. In jumping-model, we use DC motor to compress two springs in the jumping mechanism. The Y-shaped absorbers are set in its wheels for avoiding the damage when the robot is jumping or accidentally falling down the stairs,. The body of the robot is made up with carbon and ABS plastic to reduce its weight. Besides, to enhance the mobility of the robot moving in wheeled-type, the designed fuzzy controller can adjust its moving way to match the specified trajectory. The robot can be used in homecare system based on embedded Raspbian operation system. Through a computer or a smartphone, the robot can capture and transmit its front environment image to the user in real-time. In addition, due to the installed sensor, the system has an SOS switch for an emergency situation and an SMS messages for warning users. In this thesis, we successfully design and fabricate a wheeled-type robot with jumping function. The ability of jumping function can make the robot jumping with 25 cm vertically and 25 cm horizontally in maximum such that the robot cross the obstacles stably on the uneven surface, e.g., sill of doors and stairs. Furthermore, the robot can execute the monitor task in homecare application effectively.