隨著經濟全球化,人才已成為現代企業組織能否成長及是否具競爭優勢的核心問題,所以員工績效的強弱對企業已有相當程度的影響。故企業會制定管理機制來了解員工的能力與績效,如績效評量即是一種方式,但不合宜的績效評量方式反會造成負面影響,如員工可能會無法得到工作成就感及滿意度而影響工作態度;公司可能導致人才流失、員工間互不信任,甚而造成組織無法正常運作,反之,適切的績效評量,可使員工感受被肯定及讚許,願意更致力於工作任務上,公司方面亦可讓每位員工得以適才適所的發揮其表現,公司也將獲得最大利益。 但制定公平的績效評量需要考慮很多的面向,如勞力工作者與知識工作質的員工,對其評量方式就應有所不同,勞力工作者的可由產出效率得知其績效,而知識工作者無法以明確量化產出衡量其績效。相對於勞力工作者,知識工作者的績效評量制定上較為困難,如要探討其評量方式是否公平、合理,則需進一步深入研究分析,本研究即以個案公司之IT部門做為研究個案,研究過程中,經由文獻分析、參與式觀察法、深度訪談法收集與分析資料後,得到以下結論: 一、個案公司的績效評量方式之類型採目標管理法與重要事件法兩種方式,互相搭配達到互補效果。 二、個案公司IT部門人員認為: 1. 增加量化資料,避免評核者的主觀意識影響評量結果。2. 評量結果即時公布與回饋給員工。3. 提高獎罰金額以提升員工積極度。 ;With economic globalization, talent management has become a major issue in relation to the ability of modern enterprises and organizations to develop and gain the competitive advantages. To some extent, the quality of employee performance affects a company’s performance. Therefore, companies should design and establish an appropriate evaluation mechanism. There are many perspectives to be considered when it comes to establishing fair performance evaluations. For example, there should be different methods of evaluation for a labor-intensive worker vs. a knowledge-intensive worker. The performance of the former-type workers can be measured based mainly on their production efficiency which can be assessed more objectively. In practice, the performance appraisal of a knowledge worker is more difficult to conduct. This study therefore targets on the IT professionals of a case company to investigate the effectiveness of its performance appraisal mechanism. Major findings of this study includes: 1. The case study company adopts two methods of performance evaluation, namely, management by objective (MBO) and critical incident method (CIM) and the two methods complement each other. 2. The interviewees suggest that more objective performance criteria should be adopted to prevent the subjectivity of evaluators from influencing the evaluation results; Timely feedback on the performance evaluation results should be announced to the employees; and performance-based rewards should be provided to encourage employees to work harder. Conclusion and implications of the study summarize this study.