科學教育中,探究式學習扮演重要的角色。基於科技對於探究式學習的潛力,研究者結合電腦模擬技術及POE (Prediction-Observation-Explanation) 探究式學習模式,運用物理模擬平台Algodoo 設計出相關之PSOE (Prediction-Simulation-Observation-Explanation) 探究式學習活動。提供學習者一個可自行操作並調整變數及觀察的探究環境,以培養學習者科學探究精神。另探討在此PSOE 探究式學習活動中,不同認知風格及先備知識學生在各階段的表現及其科學態度改變。本研究研究對象為國中八年級學生共計60人,探究主題為國中自然與生活科技第四冊浮力與壓力單元,總計共進行兩個實驗探究,包括:聯通管原理實驗及浮力原理實驗。兩個實驗探究各自遵循預測、模擬、觀察、解釋四個步驟進行,學生使用Algodoo 軟體搭配學習單進行學習。研究結果發現:場獨立組學生及高先備組學生在此類型PSOE探究式學習活動中表現較佳,與場相依組及低先備組學生達顯著差異。另外,在預測、模擬、觀察、解釋四個階段中,學生於解釋階段的表現較低,和其它階段表現有明顯的差異。另外科學態度改變部分,場獨立組、場相依組、高先備組、低先備組四種分類類型之學生,在進行PSOE 探究式學習活動之前後,整體科學態度都有顯著提升,其中在自然科學的成功態度面向四個組別皆有所提升,另在學習自然科學信心面向,場相依型及低先備型學生也有顯著提升。;Inquiry-based learning approach plays an important role in science education, and technology has demonstrated its potential on enhancing inquiry-based learning performance. In this study,the author integrates simulation technology and POE (Prediction-Observation-Explanation)learning approach into a revised model named PSOE (Prediction-Simulation-Observation-Explanation). Sixty junior high school students were involved in this study lasting for seven weeks to evaluate the PSOE model. To provide the students a physical simulation environment,a platform, Algodoo, developed by Algoryx company was adopted in which the students can explore and observer the simulation results by manipulating the variables. Moreover, to explore the human factors affected learning performance, different cognitive style (field-dependent and field-independent students) and prior knowledge students (high prior knowledge and low prior knowledge students) were employed. The results reveal that most of the students were weak in the Explanation stage. The results also indicated that the field-independent students had higher score compared to the field-dependent student, and high-prior knowledge students had higher scores than the low-prior knowledge students, but low-prior knowledge students had much improvement than the high-prior knowledge students. Meanwhile, the students’ science attitudes were improved after adopting PSOE inquiry-based learning activity.