摘要: | 摘要 勞動檢查法第一條開宗明義說明其立法意旨為貫徹勞動法令之執行、維護勞雇雙方權益、安定社會、發展經濟。故勞動檢查之施行,除了以公權力進行干涉行政外,也負有維護勞雇雙方權益、安定社會及發展經濟之義務。 營造業有作業環境變動條件大、工作項目眾多、工種複雜等特性。而由於營造業之雜複與多樣性,故其承攬關係向為勞動檢查單位宣導之重點。承攬商與再承攬商大多為中小型企業,且其負責人常有本身即從事現場工作者,勞雇分界不明顯。故往往法規設想之各種規定反而造成工作者的負擔。如何凝聚政府、企業及勞工一起建立安全的共識,使企業有合理之經營環境,才有助於發展經濟, 本研究以訪談實際於第一線從事職安衛管理工作者。及經由問卷調查從業勞工,找出營造業安全管理人員及勞工對政府現行之營造業工程相關之勞工安全法令認識之程度及對勞工安全檢查制度執行績效之看法。彙整出營造業勞工及實際從事安全衛生管理者之意見及績效指標,並提出對勞動檢查如何能更貼近營造企業及勞工之建議。 本研究可協助企業了解政府之勞動檢查之政策目標、審視企業安全管理之方向,並提供勞動檢查機構未來施政之參考。 ;Abstract
The Labor Inspection Act begins with the purpose of implementing labor inspections, enforcing labor Acts and Regulations, protecting the rights and interests of labor and management, and maintaining social stability and economic development. As regards balances, this Act not solely considers labor’s welfare, but it also explores the attainment of social prosperity through administrative governance. From the Construction Industry’s viewpoint, the Labor Inspection Act tends to ignore the industry’s unique characteristics, among them job conditions, specialization, project complexity, and a variety of human factors, which, together, have created in subcontracting, a substantial share of labor safety issues, themselves the main concern of regulatory labor inspection. In retrospect, this work intends to analyze how well regulatory labor inspecting performs as regards the Labor Inspection Act. This study proceeds in a logical fashion. It first collects the views of safety management front-line workers, crucial because they are the ones who have to deal with labor safety routines, respond to inspection agency’s probing and follow remedial instructions. The process begins by interviewing such personnel on how they view the agency’s performance of streamlining a jobsite’s safety conditions. Next, to collect opinions about the linkage between the actual needs of safety management in the Construction Industry, and compare them to the manifest concerns of the labor inspection agency, a wider group of safety management professionals is asked to fill a survey questionnaire. This survey will unveil the opinions of labor and management professionals, and index performance analyses. Finally, the study postulates a practical approach on how to mend the possible gaps found, and offers a list of recommendations for fine-tuning the existing safety inspection regulations for the Construction Industry. The main contribution of this study is a constructive pool of ideas, which can easily be integrated into the existing regulations, and used to shape future policies. |