違章建築之存續不僅有礙市容觀瞻亦會破壞城市風貌,降低居家生活品質,甚至危及建築物本身結構安全,並損害公眾權益;當災害發生時違章建築會阻礙民眾避難逃生,妨礙消防救災,造成民眾生命財產之損失以及社會資源之浪費。主管機關對於違章建築處理方式係依照違建類型分類、分區、分階段之列管順序拆除,但是拆除違章建築卻是治標不治本之作法,應從提升人民知識水準與法治觀念,以及實施相關配套措施才是根本解決違章建築存廢之道。 本研究之目的係針對設籍或居住桃園地區之民眾,透過問卷調查方式了解民眾對違章建築的看法,藉以分析不同違建類型對於一般民眾影響程度,進而了解何種違建類型會對民眾產生最大影響,透過影響程度之嚴重性,重新對違建類型做出排序。本研究經由專家訪談與問卷調查方式,將現有A0至A8類之9項違建類型統計後重新排序,經過因素分析之結果得出9項違建類型排拆順序依序為:(1)興建中違建;(2)非公眾使用屋頂違建;(3)占用公有地違建;(4)公眾使用避難平台違建;(5)占用騎樓違建;(6)移送法辦或重要路口違建;(7)公寓大廈共用違建;(8)污染環境之工廠違建;(9)檢調列管交查之違建。本研究問卷資料發放1000份回收262份,Cronbach α = 0.927具有高信度,此研究之成果與建議可提供主管機關作為日後處理違章建築或修正政策時之參考。 ;It is well known that squatting may not only influences living quality but jeopardizes safety to the public. The research objectives are to measure the impact of squatting to the public and, based on the impact level, to establish a demolition ranking for the government. Literature review outlined the squatting types and how they may influence residents, followed by expert interviews to develop a Likert-scale questionnaire for a province-wide survey. A total of 9 types of squatting, A0 to A8 types, derived from government regulations were included in the questionnaire. 262 returns out of 1000 distributed questionnaires have a high reliability at Cronbach α = 0.927. The factor analysis then was employed and re-sorted the original ranking. The impact ranking of squatting to the public is (1) squatting under construction, (2) squatting on roof and public space, (3) squatting on paths/roads, (4) squatting harming disaster prevention facilities, (5) squatting affecting landscape, (6) squatting being reported to the law enforcement authorities, (7) partial squatting on congregate housing, (8) squatting possibly contaminating environment, and (9) squatting not immediately affecting the interests of the public. The finding can be a reference to the government for dealing with squatting so as to satisfy the real desire of citizenry.