熱電效應是一種藉由材料本質特性,熱能跟電能之間可直接轉換的現象,在環保考量層面的價值很高。熱電效應的應用層面廣泛,廢熱的回收再利用發電,亦可以和太陽能發電系統相互輔助,或是在外太空探索中使用,甚至應用於行動裝置的能源回收。因此科學家近年致力於開發綠色能源,提升ZT優值。 本研究主要探討以輕摻雜矽晶片蝕刻出的矽奈米線為基底,進行N/P type摻雜,以及鎂熱反應形成的矽化鎂,並混合二氧化矽奈米粉末與鈷奈米粉末,利用火花電漿燒結法燒結成塊材。量測範圍為室溫至470K,討論不同混合材料對熱電結果之影響。;Thermoelectric effect can be employed for waste heat recycling, power generation, chip cooling, or space exploration. However, the cost for materials with the high figure of merit (ZT) at room temperature is still over the price. This study focused on the doped silicon-based thermoelectric materials, including Si and magnesium silicide formed by magnesium thermal reaction. Mixing of the silicon dioxide and cobalt nano-powder before sintering were conducted to study its effects on ZT from room temperature to 470K.