近年來,由於軟性電子元件低成本、輕、薄、短、小及符合人因工程的產品日漸成熟,引發電子產業一股新的 熱潮,元件品質也漸漸被社會大眾期待且要求,因此許多研究開始朝著元件本身的材料開發前進,希望能藉由材料的進步,使產品能有超出預期突破。本研究有別於一般水熱法或溶膠凝膠法製備P-type粉末的方式,主要透過共沉積法的方式作摻雜,再利用濾紙將沉積在底部的粉末過濾,之後將過濾完的粉末收集起來,將粉末在800℃下作熱退火處理,製備 P-type 的氧化鋅粉末,突破以往因氧化鋅 N-type 的特性限制的發展性,並利用多種分析儀器作測量與驗證,如X-ray繞射圖分析可得知,隨著摻雜濃度的改變,摻雜粉末的訊號會產生偏移,得證摻雜粉末的極性,再將粉末送往掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)及穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)觀察,希望能藉由了解粉末的結構與結晶性,在未來能夠突破形成重摻雜P-type 粉末。 ;In 2005, IEEE conference brought out the idea of flexible electronics, that could be much more humanity to solve the problem of rigid substrate fragmentation or hard to carry and other issues. Last few years, the rise of wearable electronics is undoubtedly caused a boom and flexible electronics will also bound towards more light, thin, transparent and other aspects of development. ITO, the most commonly used in transparent film, lacks in resources and is unstable in market. However, zinc oxide, that is resource-rich, becomes more popular in study. Therefore, the modulation doping of zinc oxide is the research object in this paper. This work studied the production of p-type ZnO by chemical dissociation method. The filtered powders were annealed at 800 ℃. XRD and EDS were conducted to identify the chemical composition. P-type zinc oxide powder was achieved. The p-type characteristics was also investigated by Hall measurement.