本研究探討消費者對於中華電信MOD服務的方案選擇,以中華電信MOD服務行銷組合4P為基礎,即產品(product)、通路(place)、價格(price)、促銷(promotion),經由MOD行銷及產品屬性相關文獻探討,發展MOD服務方案選擇的17項評量準則,以層級分析法為研究方法建立4層級的評量架構,第一層為MOD方案選擇,第二層為4項評估要因,即電視頻道、隨選視訊、付費方式、促銷組合,第三層為要因其下共17項評估準則,第4層為套餐、包月及基本平台的共3種方案選擇。 研究結果發現整合本研究7位專家意見在4項評估要因中最重視促銷組合,其次為電視頻道,而17項評估準則的整體權重比較,重視程度排名前3項依序為促銷組合要因的「免費體驗天數長短」、「廣告耳熟能詳並引人入勝」及「免費贈送收視期數長短」,排名第4~6項則為電視頻道要因的「電視頻道類型選擇豐富性」準則,促銷組合要因的「搭配高畫質電視綑綁方案」及電視頻道要因的「總電視頻道數」。可見促銷組合方式的運用及MOD服務的電視頻道內容豐富度對於消費者決定MOD服務方案有重要的影響。 本研究訪問8位客戶比較使用AHP評量模式前後選擇的方案是否相符以試驗證評量模式可用性,結果8位中有6位客戶相符,所以本研究之AHP評量模式可適用於MOD客戶之方案選擇。 ;This research studied how customer make decision to select service plan MOD provided by Chunghwa Telecom. Based on product, place, price, promotion, a hierarchy of 3 level, 17 evaluation criteria was obtained. Based on the criteria, the selection process of three service plan are discussed. The results found that the three most important three criteria are “the length of free trial days”,” the familiarity and fascination of ad”, and” the length of free viewing period”, all three belong to the main evaluation cause of promotion mix. 8 customers are invited to select service plans according to the hierarchy. Six out of the eight customers select the same service plan with and without following AHP model. As a result, the hierarchy and criteria obtained by this research should be feasible for MOD service plan selection.