摘要: | 在地球資源稀有性和全球氣候快速惡化的壓力之下,再生能源之研究與推廣,已順勢成為各國能源政策發展的蓬勃焦點,尤其是日本福島核災之後,我國為落實非核家園的理念,核四廠停建封存、核一、核二及核三廠的確定除役,2025年要達成非核家園的理念,2015年公布經濟發展新模式之中,永續能源管理列為未來施政主軸,啟動能源轉型與電業改革為未來可預見的施政重點。太陽光電屬於變動式再生能源,其優點是安全、永續,但是發電成本高昂、容量小,具有供電變動性、區域特性、需要設置面積大、初始投資成本等限制仍是積極發展太陽能源的當下待面對的問題,政府倡導無核家園,提升綠能宣稱至2025年全台裝置容量目標為 20GW,要達此目標需要有完善配套措施才有機會達成,故在政府多項利多的政策創造出太陽能電廠開發商龐大商機而競相投入。 本論文以太陽能電廠開發商作為案例,剖析S公司從初期發展到成長穩定期到積極發展期,其中在每一階段所具有的特色及面臨的挑戰,透過許多經營決策上問題的提出,讓管理階層人員研究思考,對臺灣太陽能源電廠開發商如何乘勢而起。以及在多重的競爭下能脫穎而出S公司在有限生產硬體條件下如何創造能源諮詢、財務貸款、設備建置、募集資金成立創投等全方位服務,建立了太陽能產業創新市場開發模式,找出在臺灣太陽能源電廠開發商生存及業務拓展的因應策略,並最終獲得市場的成功。 本研究採用個案研究法,究藉由觀察趨勢結合現況、文獻及次級資料的蒐集,並以德國太陽能源發展參考借鏡,運用 Porter 五力分析模型和 SWOT 分析模型等理論,探討個投資太陽能能源營運產業在競爭激烈的產業環境中,其經營管理及發展策略之關鍵因素為何,並針對個案分析結果,找出未來可能產生之威脅與變數,提出經營策略及方針建議。經由本研究分析探討後,得到維持其關鍵生存成長因素為「政府政策」與「資金的籌措能力」及「資源整合大者恆大」等三項。;Under the pressure of deteriorating global climate and limited resources, R&D and promotion of renewable energy has become the main focus of energy policy development in every country. Especially after the disaster of Fukushima nuclear power plant, Taiwan government has ordered to formally stop the build-up of Nuclear Power Plant No. 4 and decommission Nuclear Power Plants No. 1, No. 2 & No. 3 in order to realize the nuclear-free homeland by 2025. In a new model of economic development presented in 2015, sustainable energy management is listed as a primary issue for future governance. Initiating energy transformation and reforming local electrical industries will be the focuses of future governance. Solar photovoltaic is a variable renewable energy. Though it has advantages in safety and sustainability, it also has downsides such as high power generating cost, small capacity, unstable output, limited set-up territory and large required set-up space, resulting in the difficulties to be overcome when developing solar energy nowadays. Taiwan authority has proposed a nuclear-free homeland and claimed to reach the target of 20GW output in green energy island-wide by 2025. To reach such a goal, Taiwan government should provide appropriate incentives and stimulating policies to attract businesses and industries to participate in the development of solar energy power plants. This thesis applies the case study method to a solar power plant developer, S Company, and analyzes the stages of its initiation and growth and the challenges it faced in each stage. The study also looks into how S Company could stand out and play the multiple roles of an energy consultancy, a financial loan provider, a turnkey set-up, a fund raiser and a venture capital provider, and how it could establish such an innovative business model for the solar energy industry, and how it could survive with suitable strategies. The thesis applies the five force model and SWOT analysis to analyze the key factors in management and market strategies under such a competitive environment. The results of the case study suggest the business strategies for the company to follow and recommend the policies for the government to develop. For the case company, it should be able to acquire the knowledge for maintaining the key factors of growth in "government policy," "fund raising ability," and "integration of resources for growth." |