根據綠色和平組織公布,智慧型手機從2007年開始已問世10周年,在這期間,全球製造了71億支手機,以2016年全球人口數73億人來估,幾乎達到平均人手一支的地步,速度之快,令人咋舌。由於智慧型行動平台(如:智慧型手機、平版電腦)與無線網路的普及,影響人們的生活甚遠,且行動裝置具有個人化、適地性、及時性等特性,人們已離不開手機;每台行動裝置內都是由許許多多的App行動應用程式所運作著,所以在手機的App應用程式推波下,導致全球手機數量越來越多,產生一股強大的產業生態系 - 從製造手機、開發App應用程式及App應用程式獲利模式…等,希望籍此過程來了解App產業是如何運作、開發者要如何開發App、上架至App應用商店及討論獲利模式。 本研究將探討行動應用程式產業生態是如何形成、App應用程式如何獲利模式、行動應用程式開發流程。;According to Greenpeace, the smartphone has been in its 10th anniversary since 2007, and during this period, the world has made 7.1 billion handsets, estimated at a total population of 7.3 billion in 2016, almost every has one. The speed is fast, it is surprised. Because of the popularity of intelligent mobile platforms (such as smart phones and tablet) and wireless networks, smart phone has personal life, location base service(LBS) and timeliness, and people cannot leave mobile phones. Each mobile device installs more Apps, to push mobile phones will be growing more and more, resulting in a strong industrial ecosystem - from Manufacturing handsets, developing App and App monetization models ... and so on. We hope to learn how the App industry works, how developers develop App, and upload App to App stores and discuss profit models. This study will explore how the mobile application ecosystem is formed, App application profitable models, and the mobile application development process.