摘要: | 近年來因聯網行動裝置之普及度於全球各國皆快速成長,無論是固網、衛星到電信運營商也紛紛轉型以提供不同之行動服務方案,期能滿足終端消費者,藉以獲取利潤。而聯網行動裝置也直接影響了個人電腦、筆記型電腦甚或平板電腦之需求量。對台灣電子代工廠之獲利造成極大的挑戰。 通訊裝置之設計與製造,一直以來因為技術含量較高,且須配合各國法規及各電信運營商之測試與驗證規格,往往需投注大量之人力、物力、金錢與時間,相較於個人電腦,過去台灣廠商進入通訊產業者並不踴躍。然北美電信運營商,因為不願使用中國大陸製造之硬體或軟體,間接形成了對台灣廠商有利的環境與條件。於是本研究思考,如何以台灣電子代工廠目前擁有之核心能力與價值,整合終端裝置都必須具備的通訊能力,結合通訊晶片商,以及北美電信運營商,成立「跨國策略聯盟」,發展出符合電信運營商規格並得以客製化之設計平台。 放眼5G其快速與通訊特性,物聯網的發展亦將於5G環境下得以實現。待5G正式商轉,此設計平台所推出之公板與軟體,便有利於軟硬體開發者直接應用及變化。「5G IOT」便是此設計平台可快速實踐之網域及應用。參與聯盟之三方皆得以因此回收開發此平台及模組之前期投資成本,並擴大市佔。;Fuel by the phenomenal booms in mobile applications and high speed broadband communications (including Fixed Wire, Fiber, and WiFi connections), growth in “Connected Devices” seems to be an unstoppable trend, surpassing growths in Personal computers, Notebook computers and even Tablet computers. The market shift severely affects the profitability of Taiwanese ODMs (Original Design and Manufacturers). Compared with computer manufacturing and design, the telecommunication industry in Taiwan is relatively small in scale, due in part to the additional heavy investments needed, in human resources, equipment, capital and time, required to meet the technical specifications, regulations and certifications imposed by the operators and governments. The telecomm operators (telco) in North American have been concerned with using China-made base-stations, servers, and even smartphones for their operations. This results in a niche for Taiwanese ODMs. This study attempts to exploit this opportunities, to propose an international strategic alliance among a Taiwanese ODM, a US telco, and a telecomm chip supplier, benefiting all parties. The proposed alliance will co-develop a “Reference Design” focuses on the upcoming 5G communications arena, encompassing chipsets, systems, and all the way to telecomm services, in such a way that customized design fulfilling telco’s specification and also highly integrated with required software can be delivered in a timely manner. It will have to cover 5G and IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities, namely, fast, low latency, and device to device communication applications. With a common reference design, with coupling chipset and printed circuit boards designs, future customized devices based on such reference design can easily connect to telco’s mobile networks. The value for participating parties include cost saving, shorter time to market, larger market size, more applications etc. Feasibility studies show that all parties can recoup the investments and expand their market shares. |