如今,全球自動化與高品質浪潮的大環境下,製造業從人力密集型轉向生產自動化高品質已是必然趨勢,採用合宜機台來替代人力生產是該目標實現的主要措施。同時,在勞動力日益緊缺和人力成本逐步上漲的今天,使用機械自動化是企業降低人力成本的有效途徑。 背光模組的生產製程主要分為產品設計及組裝兩大步驟,設計階段為產品量產前皆需經客戶認證的部分,包含光學、模具及結構等;投入量產後則以組裝製程最為繁瑣,由於成品需長期仰賴人工並且需要大量的人力進行組裝與品管工作。在人工比例高的情況,在這幾年見到層出不窮的罷工、暴動等諸多衝突事件,因此資方也加速從機台自動化來取代傳統人力代工,甚至讓機器人代替人工出現在生產流水線上操作已成為事實。 本研究以個案研究方式,探討R公司如何從人工檢測從事背光模組產業發展到現今的自動化檢測,並分析說明自動化光學檢測對R公司的效益與貢獻。研究發現自動化光學檢測不只對產品質量保證與製程追溯性,更重要是降低人力上的成本。;Facing increasing competition and demand for quality production, organizations have to transform the current labor-intensive manufacturing into more automated operations. One of the solutions will be to automate production processes. The production process of Back Light Units consists of two main phases: design and assembly. First, it is essential that the product design, including the associated optics, tools, and structure, has to be verified by the client before the design is passed on for mass production. Second, the assembly process is most complicated due to its strong reliance on labor force. Given the increasing labor cost, organizations attempt to replace traditional factories with automatic machineries that can work non-stop. A case study was conducted to examine how R Company automated its production processes of the backlight unit by deploying Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) on its production lines. This study indicates that AOI not only guarantees product quality and process accountability, but also reduces labor cost.