自工業化以來人類大量使用化石燃料,造成能源短缺以及溫室暖化效應,各地空氣汙染與極端氣候嚴重影響人類生命安全,各國無不在經濟發展同時也意識其重要性。現行各國皆將環境保護議題皆列為永續發展方針並制定政策。當下,新興節能減碳之綠色創新產業可帶來能源、環保等經濟效益。 根據聯合國大會於1992年通過「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」(United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ,UNFCCC) ,各國針對包括二氧化碳在內氟、氯、氮等六種溫室氣體,訂出具體減量目標對於,國內擁有達1368萬輛燃油機車每日所排放廢氣造成空污,相較電動機車使用電能與降低碳排放量,使之政策推展奠定有效利基。但從國內實際推廣銷售成效有限,主因為電動機單價過高與都會區以外充電站基礎建設不足等因素。另一方面近年來電子商務快速蓬勃發展,造就整體物流業營收也隨之大幅成長,但對於在都會區中運送文件或小型物品服務,使用機車為快遞運送交通載具,其具備機動性與即時性,為解決物流「最後一哩路」最佳選擇,因此,為使經濟成長兼顧環境永續,本論文將研究與分析電動機車以租貸方式進行都會區快遞新商業模式並提出相關建議。;Industrialization has led to greatly increased consumption of fossil fuels which results in serious air pollution, contributes to global warming, and energy shortages. All of which are serious threats to our well-being. In response, the issue of environmental protection has gained considerable importance. Economic development plans for many countries now focus heavily on sustainability. Industries that innovate methods of saving energy and carbon reduction will bring many benefits to both the economy and the environment.
Per the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) passed in 1992. Each country shall develop goals specifying volume reductions for the primary greenhouse gasses. Carbon Dioxide, Fluorine, Chlorine, and oxides of Nitrogen. Taiwan’s 13.68 million gasoline fueled scooters are a well-recognized source of greenhouse gasses and air pollution while electric scooters consume less energy and are much cleaner. It also enables market potential for them. Barriers to developing that potential include high prices, and limited availability of charging stations outside of urban areas. But the rapid boom of E-commerce is motivating increased flexibility for delivery and logistics businesses. Scooters are now recognized as especially convenient for transporting documents and small packages in urban areas. This paper analyzes a new business model about leasing electric scooters for “urban express” delivery.