隨著中國大陸在全力扶植本土的產業,使得紅色供應鏈海嘯勢力不斷增長,在發展半導體產業的企圖心更是明顯;半導體產業引進台灣已經有40年了,台灣已經建構了完整的半導體產業鏈從上游的IC設計、中游的IC製造與下游的IC封測,還有相關的材料供應產業,專業分工模式獨步全球,台灣不論在人才、技術、產業聚落都是名列前茅的;對於中國的語言及文化上差異較小,面對著巨大的磁吸效應,台灣的企業如何因應都考驗著企業經營團隊的發展策略。 本研究目的在於探討個案公司之商業模式與獲利方式,並與台灣第一大矽晶圓製造商環球晶圓現階段的商業模式進行分析比較,透過「商業模式圖」的九項要素剖析,可以清楚了解企業間不同的營運策略與獲利模式,進而比較個案公司與環球晶圓的差異;一來可以了解目前個案公司的目前的營運狀況與發展策略方向,二來可以藉由比較商業模式圖的差異評估個案公司之競爭優勢並提供改善策略建議。 商業模式圖是了解台灣矽晶圓製造廠商獲利方式的途徑之一,可以了解台灣矽晶圓廠商的目前競爭優勢與現階段所遇到的瓶頸,也可以了解企業過去經營的方向的正確性,以達成降低營運風險與拓展矽晶圓產業發展機會。對於未來想要投入矽晶圓材料產業的人才,能經由本研究了解矽晶圓材料產業的生產與商業模式。;With the full support for local industry in China, it has led a tsunami-type forces of red supply chain that grows especially in the semiconductor industry. Since the semiconductor industry had been developed in Taiwan for over 40 years, it has had a complete semiconductor industry chain including the upstream of IC design, the middle stage of IC manufacturing and the downstream of IC packaging and testing as well as the related materials supply industry. Taiwan’s semiconductor industry has led in several fields including the specialization, technology and industry settlements. However, China’s development has given a large pressures due to the similar language and cultural. How to respond the development and to design the adequate management policy has been the issue for Taiwan semiconductor industry. The purpose of this study is to explore the business model and profit mode on the particular company with analyzing and comparing the business model from the Global Wafer who is the largest silicon wafer manufacturer in Taiwan. By using the analysis of the nine elements of the "Business Model Canvas", we can clearly understand the different business strategies and profit patterns between enterprises, and then compare the differences between the targeted company and the Global Wafers. According to the Business Model Canvas, we found the ways of profitability of silicon wafer manufacturers in Taiwan. We also found the current competitive advantages of Taiwan silicon wafer manufacturers and the bottlenecks encountered at the current stage. To achieve the lower operational risk and to expand the opportunities of silicon wafer industry development, this study has provided some useful suggestions.