近幾年用商業模式方式來探討公司短、中、長期的經營策略的應用研究有很多,研究的目的主要在於如何將公司的有限資源,能做最有效的運用,讓公司持續獲利並永續經營。商業模式的分析能讓公司找到目標客戶,維繫良好的顧客關係,滿足客戶需求。而本研究用個案公司的產品,分析自有品牌自製、代工及原廠代理經銷的商業模式進行探討,希望在各種條件下找到公司最適合的經營策略。;There are many researches use the business model to explore the short, medium and long-term business strategy of the company. The main purpose of the study is how to use the company′s limited resources effectively, and to obtain profits continuously. The analysis of the business model allows the company to find the target customers, to maintain a good customer relationship and to meet customers’ needs. This study uses the business model to analyze business strategy on the choices among the development of own brand, OEM and the agent on a particular product for a particular company. Our analytical results is hope to find the company′s most suitable business strategy in different conditions.