本研究採用台灣製造業100年廠商普查與95年和100年廠商追蹤資料,探討網路科技與使用變化對廠商績效之影響。100年橫斷面估計的結果發現,採用網路採購、網路銷售、電腦內部管理和架設網頁的廠商,其勞動生產力和總要素生產力(TFP)皆較高。此外,網路科技的使用也能全面地提高廠商創新產品、三角貿易、技術銷售以及跨國服務銷售的機率。在各項科技中,網路採購與網路銷售對規模較小的廠商生產力的提升效果較大;而在第20百分位的勞動生產力以下的廠商,相對於生產力較高的廠商,則是採用電腦做內部管理的效果相對較為明顯。本研究最後採用傾向分數配對法解決內生性問題,配對後的實證結果發現,廠商轉而開始使用網路採購會顯著提高廠商績效,尤其在外銷比例成長率和創新產品之機率上升幅度最高,分別提升了26%和15%。而一旦持續採用此項網路科技,則其效果會趨緩;相反地,轉而停止網路採購對勞動生產力成長率、銷貨收入成長率、利潤率成長率與自有品牌收入成長率等績效皆有明顯負面影響。本文首度證實了網路採購這項通訊科技是影響廠商績效的重要因素。;The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between ICTs and firm performance. Using the Census data in 2011 and panel data for 2006 and 2011 censes, we find strong evidence of positive association between ICTs and labor productivity. Additionally, using ICTs increases TFP, enhancing the probability of having own-brand, offshoring and technology sales as well as undertaking service trade. We find that ICTs exhibit larger effects for small firms. Results from quantile regressions also show that firms with labor productivity below the 20thpercentile benefit more. Finally, to mitigate the endogeneity problem of ICTs adoption, we use PSM method. We conclude that firms starting to use Internet purchase significantly improve firm performance, including increasing the growth rate of sales, labor productivity, and export intensity.