本論文估計越南本土廠商與外資廠商的技術效率,並探討本土廠商是否對外資廠商存在技術追趕。利用越南2000 年至2008 年的企業調查資料,並採用共同隨機邊界模型進行估計,實證結果顯示:於樣本期間本土廠商與外資廠商的技術效率各由0.9073 至0.8465 及0.9384 至0.8006,觀察出初期外資廠商技術效率優於本土廠商,但下降幅度相較比本土廠商大於7.98%。利用技術缺口比率(TGR)來衡量技術追趕,本文發現本土廠商與外資廠商的技術缺口比率大多呈現擴大的情形,表示本土廠商不存在技術追趕效果。另外,以越南製造業中產出占比最高的食品加工業與紡織業為例,亦呈現出一致的估計結果。;The paper evaluates technical efficiencies of local firms and foreign-owned enterprises (FOEs) in Vietnam, and examines the degree of technological catchup between local firms and their foreign-owned counterparts. Based on Vietnam’s Firm Surveys for the 2000-2008 period, the estimates obtained by using stochastic meta-frontier model suggest that both local firms and FOEs exhibited a decreasing trend on technical efficiency, from 0.9384 to 0.8006 and 0.9073 to 0.8465, respectively. The change of technological efficiency in foreign firms is large than the change in local firms and the catch-up effect of local firms didn’t exist. First, the technological efficiency of the foreign firms is superior to local firms. The technological efficiency for the formers in Vietnam range from 0.9384 to 0.8006, and the latter is 0.9073 to 0.8465. Crucially, using the technology gap ratio (TGR) as an indicator of technological catch-up, results show a widening TGR, indicating a technological falling-behind rather than catching-up between local firms and FOEs. We find similar results when focusing on two key industries: food processing and textile industries.