選課不只是例行性的工作,亦是決定大學生外在行為的關鍵。本文嘗試利用可觀察的選課行為資料建構變數,藉以解釋一部分學業表現未觀察到的變異來源,瞭解學生選擇課程與學業表現的關聯性。本文使用普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Square, OLS)迴歸模型,分析國立中央大學103學年第2學期至104學年第2學期之大學部校務資料,樣本數為17,688人。結果顯示大學生在加退選期間內的選課行為顯著影響學業表現,若進一步考慮年級、必選修課程類型與第1、2學期。在第1學期時,三、四年級選擇必修課程顯著影響學業表現;第2學期時,二、四年級選擇選修課程顯著影響學業表現,不論必、選修課程類型,四年級學生選課行為顯著影響學業表現。 本研究的主要發現: 1.「加入課程(加選)」與學業表現呈現負向相關。 2.「退掉課程(退選)」與學業表現呈現正向相關。 3. 考慮第1學期/第2學期下,必修/選修課程影響選課行為對學業表現的變異。 4. 四年級學生選課行為與學業表現存在統計上顯著關係。;Observed course-selection behaviors are used to construct behavioral variables that can help explain some of the unobserved variation of academic performance. This paper investigates the associations between unobserved individual characteristics, students′ course-selection behaviors, and academic performance of the National Central University students from Spring 2014 to Spring 2015. The sample consists of 17,688 students. The results, based on ordinary least square estimation show that students’ course-selection behaviors are affected by the type of courses (required or selective) and the standing of students (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior) grade. In the 1st semester, the third and fourth grade required course-selection behavior significantly affected the academic performance; In the 2nd semester, the second and fourth grade elective course-selection behavior significantly affected academic performance. Importantly, seniority has a significant impact on students’ academic performance. Major findings from the study reveal that: 1. “Add course"variable is the negative relation of academic performance. 2. “Drop course"variable is the positive relation of academic performance. 3. During the 1st / 2nd semester, required / elective courses are factors that affect the students’ course-selection behavior and academic performance. 4. The fourth grade students′ course-selection behavior and academic performance are statistically significant relationship.