摘要: | 自 2007 年 Apple 發表第一代 iPhone以來,智慧型手機的發展突飛猛進,可說是近年來成長最為迅速的消費性產品。時至今日,智慧型手機已經普及於一般日常生活,人手一機甚至多機隨處可見,智慧型手機的產品生命週期已邁入成熟期。
2016 年,全球智慧型手機銷售量成長率僅 3.8%,是首次出現個位數成長。而從區域市場角度觀察,2016 年智慧型手機的區域市場,除了西歐與北美,其他市場均有所成長,尤其是中東地區,雖然因為地緣政治導致部份國家政治動盪不安,但因為近年各石油輸出國致力於開放市場與推行電子商務以拓展非石油收入,所以各方亦期待中東地區是下一個經濟高成長市場。個案公司身為全球智慧型品牌企業,亦發現此一市場發展趨勢,冀望在中東市場能發揮其競爭優勢,拓展市場規模,增加產品銷售。因此,個案公司希望能夠規劃一個中東地區的新策略,利用原有的分公司、中東分銷商與物流商等資源,以虛擬通路的策略經營正在崛起中的中東市場。
基於個案公司的中東地區策略方向,本研究嘗試宏觀地先從全球角度,探討智慧型手機產業與電子商務 B2C模式的發展現況,再進而就中東地區此特殊市場,分析智慧型手機在該區域的發展機會以及電子商務線上零售模式的發展性。並試就個案公司的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,以 SWOT 法交叉分析列舉其可能的發展策略。最後並以 TELOS 可行性分析模式,分析個案公司中東網路商店專案的可行性,以驗證策略是否可行。;The last decade has witnessed a phenomenal growth in smartphone sales, since Apple released its first iPhone in 2007. Smartphone nowadays is probably the most prevalent electronic product in the consumer market. However, in several markets, it has reached the maturity stage, where growth stagnates.
In 2016, the global smartphone sales grew merely 3.8%, the first single-digit growth for the product. However, if the North America and Western Europe are excluded, most regional markets show robust growths, especially in the Middle East. Despite long-term war and political turmoil in some countries due to geopolitics, researchers expect it would be among the next wave of markets with high economic growth. This is evident particularly in the oil-exporting countries, which are committed to opening up of market and of e-commerce to stimulate non-oil revenues.
Company H, a global brand in the heated competition in smartphones, hope to exploit this opportunity, by utilizing its existing advantages to expand its market size and boost product sales, to escalate its competitive advantage in this region through a new virtual channel. The initiative includes selling smartphone online in the fast-growing Middle-East, leveraging existing subsidiaries, distributors and logistics partners.
This study attempts to provide a strategic plan for Company H in establishing online stores in the region. It first examined the global and Middle- Eastern smartphone and B2C e-commerce environment, and conducted a SWOT analysis to derive a strategic portfolio, and planned for implementation. A feasibility study was also conducted. |