由於行動裝置普及,推播通知具有可以針對目標客群進行訊息傳遞的特性,更可以設定在特定時間傳遞訊息,成為了零售商及服務提供者與消費者溝通的利器。但消費者特徵對新科技的接受程度不一致,本研究探討了影響消費者接受推播通知的因素,以及分析侵入式的推播通知,訊息內容的個人化程度 (深度 ╳ 廣度) 與消費者感知 (感知犧牲、感知有用,愉悅) 的關係,是否受消費者的科技準備度調節。因此,本研究先使用集群分析法,依據受測者的科技準備度回答分為兩類,科技準備度積極型 (n=77),科技準備度消極型 (n=170),總計 247 份有效樣本,並進一步使用階層式迴歸進行分析。研究結果顯示,科技準備度消極型,在個人化深且寬時,低科技準備度與感知犧牲呈現正相關。此外,在個人化淺且窄與個人化淺且寬時,消費者的科技準備度則會與感知犧牲呈現負相關。科技準備度積極型,在侵入式的推播通知時,消費者的科技準備度與感知有用呈負相關。此外,在個人化深且寬時,其科技準備度與愉悅亦呈現正向關係。;Push notifications can deliver messages to target consumers, at specific times, and become a communication bridge among retailers, service providers and consumers. However, not all consumers are willing to accept this service. The study explores how customers′ technology readiness influence customers′ perception (perceived sacrifice, perceived usefulness, pleasure) and accept notifications when using different personalized (depth ╳ breadth) and intrusive formula. Therefore, the study used cluster analysis regarding technology readiness to categorize into two groups: positive technology readiness (n=77) and negative technology readiness (n=170). And then we conducted a hierarchical regression for each group. The findings show that the negative technology readiness would increase perceived sacrifice of their notifications through a combination of high depth and narrow breadth of personalization. But notifications with low depth would decrease perceived sacrifice, regardless of their personalization breadth. On the other hand, for positive technology readiness would increase pleasure, notifications with high depth and narrow breadth. And invasive push notification would reduce perceived usefulness.