摘要: | 社群媒體粉絲頁已被證實是訊息曝光以及顧客互動的重要管道,然而人們通常只在粉絲頁被動接收訊息而非主動搜尋訊息,因此管理者如何使用貼文策略(Message Strategies)提升顧客忠誠度非常重要。本研究分析台灣最熱門的「早餐吃麥片」粉絲頁和「健康2.0」粉絲頁於2016年4月1日至9月30日共393篇與388篇貼文,並於2017年5月26日至6月9日發放線上問卷,共回收117份有效問卷,主要目的為(1)探討該粉絲頁使用哪些貼文策略提升貼文觀看人數;(2)辨認哪些是提升貼文觀看人數的重要詞彙(Vocabulary Words)。本研究結果顯示:(1)「早餐吃麥片」管理者最常用的貼文策略為「情緒訴求」,此策略也獲得最多讚和分享數,「互動性」策略則獲得最多留言數;「健康2.0」管理者最常用的貼文策略為「資訊搜尋」,此策略也獲得最多讚、留言數和分享數。但是「鼓勵直接購買」策略是「早餐吃麥片」粉絲頁和「健康2.0」影響力最高的策略前三名;(2)「特價」和「美味」對「早餐吃麥片」的粉絲而言是最具影響力的詞彙,上述詞彙分別為情緒性詞彙及知覺性詞彙;(3)若在「公司品牌名稱」、「動畫」、「互動性」、「資訊搜尋」等策略使用情緒性詞彙,會與粉絲的留言數呈正相關(p<0.05);而「使用者形象」策略使用情緒性詞彙,則會與粉絲的留言數呈負相關(p<0.05)。本文也探討不同策略對粉絲頁經營的影響,以及不同策略使用社會支持相關詞彙與網友回饋的相關性分析。本研究結果可供健康相關粉絲頁管理者參考,而本研究主要貢獻為幫助管理者使用適當的貼文策略接觸粉絲,提升粉絲對該粉絲頁的忠誠度,並透過粉絲互動增加貼文的曝光度,吸引更多粉絲參與粉絲頁。;Facebook fan pages are an important channel for message exposure and customer interactions. It has been reported that Facebook fans tend to passively receive messages on a fan page rather than actively search for messages. Therefore, it is important for managers to use suitable message strategies to strengthen customer loyalty. This study employed a content analysis of the message strategies used between 2016/4/1 and 2017/9/30 by MorningShop and TVBS56.health, two of the most popular Facebook fan pages in Taiwan. An online questionnaire was issued, through which 117 valid responses were collected between 2017/5/26 and 2017/6/9. The main purpose was to determine the (1) message strategies and (2) vocabulary in the message strategies used in the fan pages to increase the number of people viewing the page. The results revealed the following. First, the most common message strategy for MorningShop was “Emotional Appeal,” which obtained the most likes and shares, while “Interactivity” received the most comments. For TVBS56.health, it was “Information Search,” which obtained the most likes, comments, and shares. However, it is to be noted that “Direct calls to purchase” was among the top three strategies for both pages. Second, “On sale” and “Delicious” were the most influential words for the MorningShop fans, which are emotional and cognitive vocabulary words. Finally, it was seen that “Company brand name,” “Animation,” “Interactivity,” and “Information Search” with emotional vocabulary words and the number of comments had a positive correlation (p < 0.05); however, “User Image” and the number of comments had a negative correlation (p < 0.05). The main contributions of this research are to help managers use the right message strategies to reach fans, enhance their loyalty to the fan page, and increase the exposure of the fans’ interactions to attract more fans. |