俗稱「以房養老」的逆向抵押貸款對金融業而言是一種新型態的房屋抵押貸款。本研究參考相關文獻探討美國、英國、澳洲、新加坡、中國和日本作法,希望可以找出符合臺灣民情的方法。另一方面臺灣目前貸款政策偏向由金融機構自行設計規劃,但政府方面卻未加以限制或是監管,這對借款人和金融機構都缺乏一定程度的保障,而監管體系的制定因涉及法律層面,本文暫不納入討論。 本研究試圖在老年經濟中為金融業尋找新的定位,當金融業是資金供給者時,不確定的擔保品價值讓其背負風險。當金融業成為中介者時,借款人貸款的風險便移轉到保險公司身上,然而金融業者仍需時時對擔保品的維護費心。當金融業是期權的買方時,賣方(借款人)可繼續住在原屋直至借款人過世或契約終止,此時的金融業略帶社會福利的公益性質。當此類貸款成立的規模夠大後,金融業可以是不動產的市場供給者,透過發行資產證券化的方式,來確保資金流動性。 本研究認為金融機構應該好好把握這未來的老人退休商機,繼續開發更符合個人及社會經濟需求的金融商品,找出屬於自己的藍海策略,才不會被淹沒在這快速運轉的世界潮流裡。 ;「Reverse Mortgage」is a new type of mortgage in financial industry currently. This study utilized the relevant literature of the United States, Britain, Australia, Singapore, China and Japan, hoping to find a proposal to meet Taiwanese culture.On the other hand, Taiwanese financial institutions design「Reverse Mortgage」by themselves, but Taiwan government doesn’t restrict or supervise on it. Which means both borrowers and financial institutions are lack of protection. The development of regulatory system is involved in legal aspect, which is not covered by this paper. This study aims to find a new position for financial industry in the elder economy. When bank is a fund supplier, risk of uncertain value of the collateral endangers the financial institutions. When financial industry plays the role of a mediator, the risk of the borrower′s loan will be transferred to the insurance company, but financial industry still has to worry about the maintenance of the collateral. When financial industry is the buyer of option, the seller can still live in the original house until the end of their life or the end of the contract. In the meantime, financial industry benefits social welfare as well. When the scale of loan has grown large enough, financial industry could be the supplier of real estate market. Through the issuance of asset securitization, they can ensure the liquidity of cash flow. This study considers that financial institutions should take advantage of the chance of elder retirement in the future, keep developing financial products which are closer to economic needs of person and society. Figure out their own blue ocean strategy. Prevent from submerged in this fast-moving world trend.