熱電效應是一種熱能與電能之間轉換的效應,其環保價值非常的高,可以應用在許多方面,例如廢熱回收。近年來講求綠能,需要保護地球,積極地在開發綠色能源,熱電效應本身就是一個良好的綠色能源,因此科學家正在努力研究如何提升ZT優值。 本研究主要探討在鎂矽塊材中,加入錫元素,並加以用火花電漿燒結和冷壓後燒結成塊材,量測範圍為室溫到473K,並且討論其塊材特性及未來可以如何去改善。 ;Thermoelectric effect can be used for waste heat recycling. Because thermoelectric effect can be employed for waste heat energy scavenging, scientific researches have been working on how to improve the figure of merit(ZT). This study focused on the Mg2(Si,Sn) bulk material. Magnesium silicide formed by reaction of silicon and magnesium, followed by the mixing of the tin and cobalt nanopowder before sintering. After sintering, the ZT was measured from room temperature to 473 K.