摘要: | 本論文設計目標為製作一智慧型機器人,除了設計及製作整體機器人的結構與外觀,使機器人擁有人型的頭部機構、兩隻機器手臂與使用者互動。本機器人有以下功能:一、錄製/撥放留言功能,二、視線跟隨功能,三、喝酒互動模式,四、倒酒互動模式,五、定時提醒,六、遠端視察/遙控。 在功能一中,使用者透過手機App錄製留言,並設定撥放時間,功能二,當人出現在機器人視野時,機器人能辨識其位置並跟隨人移動視野,而功能三與四,機器人可以使用機器手臂與人互動喝酒,或倒酒給自己喝,功能五中有預先準備好的提醒事項可供使用者利用手機App設定撥放,最後功能六,藉由使用App遠端視察/控制機器人即時視角。 除了機器人本身的視覺裝置與雙臂結構,手機互動的App設計也包含在此項主題的研究範疇,除了介面與排版的設計需要簡單方便,讓使用者方便操作,還必須透過伺服器的架設來連接機器人端的連網功能,如:遠端視訊、資料傳輸等,在連網方面,也使用不同優勢的技術來支援,以達到減少運算量的目的。 本研究之機器人系統整合,其主要控制板為Raspberry Pi 單機版做為運算工具,除了馬達的封包控制機器手臂,且需進行人臉偵測與酒瓶偵測的計算,同時還架設網站伺服,作為手機App端連結使用。 ;This paper presents an interactive home robot. The robot system includes the design of the robot architecture, processing image, kinematics of robot arms, and establishment of communications protocols. Besides, there are six modes in the robot system. Mode 1: Record/Play a message. Mode 2: Follow people. Mode 3: Drinking interaction. Mode 4: Pour and drink. Mode 5: Remind the event. Mode 6: Remote monitoring. In the mode 1, the user can record the message and set the time by using the App on the mobile phone. In the mode 2, the robot head can follow a person who is in the sight of the robot. In the mode 3, robot will ask user to pour the drink into the cup, which is hold by robot hand. If the drink in the cup reaches the particular weight, the robot will drink it. In the mode 4, the robot will request the user to put the bottle to its hand. If the bottle is in the robot hand, then the robot will hold the bottle and drink. In the mode 5, the user can set the time and several events; and then the robot will remind the near people at the time. In the mode 6, the user can remotely control and monitor the robot head by using the App. The design of the App has related the composition of information from services or local resources can be time-consuming, costly, and inconvenient. This research combines communications protocols to build an effective, efficient, and easy-to-use mobile App. The research is about the robot system integration. Within the Raspberry Pi, the tasks contain that the sending packages of motors control, the face/the bottle recognition, and website building. The user uses the App to connect with the website. |