本研究運用不同教學方式,探討創意思考螺旋教學策略對學童的學習效果。研究對象為國小中年級三個班級學童,隨機分配三組,分別進行創意思考螺旋教學策略、講述式教學,以及教育型桌上遊戲教學。課程為中年級自然與生活科技領域「運輸工具與能源」單元。實驗前、後進行創造力情意量表測驗、單元測驗和作品成果分析。統計方法為無母數統計魏可遜二樣本考驗、魏可遜配對組符號等級考驗、克-瓦單因子等級變異數分析。研究結果組內比較發現創意思考螺旋教學策略之創造力情意有顯著進步。單元成績與作品成果方面,三組均有顯著進步。兩兩組間比較發現創意思考螺旋教學策略之想像力顯著優於講述式教學。創意思考螺旋教學策略與教育型桌上遊戲教學均未達顯著差異。教育型桌上遊戲教學與講述式教學之想像力顯著優於講述式教學。作品成果之創造力方面,講述式教學顯著優於教育型桌上遊戲教學。最後進行三組間比較,教育型桌上遊戲教學之想像力顯著優於講述式教學。;The purpose of this study is to explore the effect on students’ learning performance by “Creative Thinking Spiral Teaching Strategies” .Three groups contain “Creative Thinking Spiral Teaching Group" ,“Didactic Teaching Group " and “Educational Board Games Teaching Group”, then conducting three types of experiments among the groups. The experiments include the pre-test and post-test for "The creative affection scale", "Subject test" and " Students works".Three statistical tools are adopted, including “Wilcoxon two-sample test”, “Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed-rank test ” and “Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance by ranks ”.The research result indicates "Thinking Spiral Teaching Strategies " makes an significant improvement in learning from pre-test to post-test of creative affection. All of three groups make an significant improvement in "Subject test and " Students works" from pre-test to post-test. Besides, the learning performance for these groups are also compared each other. "Thinking Spiral Teaching Strategies Group " demonstrates a better learning performance than “Didactic Teaching Group " in creativity. “Didactic Teaching Group " shows a better learning performance than “Educational Board Games Teaching Group” in students works.