在教育的領域中,了解學生在不同學習步驟與學習狀態,是否達到真正的學習成效,是一件非常重要的事情。為了達成這個效果,研究人員常常發展各種量測工具來對學生的學習認知負荷進行估測,然而目前的學習狀態估測方法大多採用問卷來進行,因此缺乏客觀的標準。在本研究中,我們設計一種結合追瞳裝置(eye-tracking system)與腦波儀(Electroencephalography,EEG)的評估系統作為認知負荷的量測工具。我們利用追瞳裝置所偵測在螢幕上的注視物件,作為觸發腦波量測的事件,藉由結合注視點的時間判斷與腦波訊號,估測受試者的認知負荷學習狀態。此方法為一種新穎的客觀認知負荷量測工具,相較於傳統的腦電波量測,僅依靠腦電波無法知道學員眼睛的注視點,也無法獲得學員對於畫面中刺激材料的影響。本方法提供了一種穩定可靠且可以應用於課堂情境的客觀研究方法。經由腦波研究並與學員的反饋問卷進行比較,我們發現學員的認知負荷與theta band能量有正相關。我們的研究結果顯示腦電波與追瞳器的結合能夠有效的提取學員注視位置所閱讀內容的腦波,本研究提供了一種新的客觀研究方法於課堂情境研究認知負荷。;In education fields, observing different learning pace and evaluating learning state of students are considered as challenging issues. It is necessary to develop measurement tools for better understanding the cognitive processes underlying activities. In this study, an objective measurement tool for cognitive load assessment in scientific learning studies by means of the combination of eye-tracking data metrics and EEG was designed. Eye fixation were treated as natural markers to extract corresponding EEG signal segments. Compared to other studies using EEG only, the proposed system provides effective information of subject’s eye fixation positions which enables researchers to know the cognitive states of EEG data are induced by what stimulation events in the reading stuffs. In this study it was indicated that theta band power was increased with subject’s mental effort based on the subjective rating scale questionnaire. The correlation was positively correlated and to be statistically significant, r (13) = +.81, p < .001. It was found that there was a significant positive relationship between duration time and theta band power, r (42) = +.56, p < .001. Subjects who spent longer duration time were tend to have higher theta band power. It was also found that subject’s theta band power increased from when they were reading at the description part to the question part. The correlation was positively correlated and to be statistically significant, r (42) = +.70, p < .001. Overall, this study results have demonstrated the feasibility of using eye-tracking system to improve EEG analyses for cognitive state detections in classroom environments. Combining EEG and eye-tracking could be a potentially objective way to study student’s cognitive activities.