如何提高員工的專業素養使之執行業務有更好的表現且同時達到工作滿意是目前相當重要的議題,故本研究將探討營造產業內教育訓練對於工作滿意的相關聯性。研究目的為:1.探討教育訓練對應用操作的影響效果。2.探討應用操作對工作滿意的影響效果。3.探討教育訓練對工作滿意的影響效果。4.探討操作應用對於教育訓練與工作滿意間是否產生中介效果。5.探討外在因素在教育訓練與應用操作間是否產生干擾效果。 本研究採取問卷調查,針對國內四家大型營造廠為主的工程先進回收了97份樣本,回收率達38.8%。運用SPSS及AMOS軟體進行敘述性統計資料分析、項目分析、信度分析、驗證性因素分析、迴歸分析、二因子變異數分析以及佐以結構方程式(SEM)分析。得到下類分析結果:1.教育訓練對於應用操作有正向關係。2.應用操作對於工作滿意有正向關係。3.教育訓練對工作滿意具有正向關係。4.應用操作對教育訓練與工作滿意之關係具有中介效果。5.外在因素對於教育訓練落實在應用操作之關係具有干擾效果。 最後,依據研究結果,對營建產業及未來研究提出具體之建議,以供營建產業在辦理教育訓練時可做為參考之依據。 關鍵字:教育訓練、應用操作、工作滿意 ;Enterprises usually improve employees’ skills by training. In practice, nevertheless, training effectiveness is always an important issue. The study objective is to discover occupational satisfaction caused by training effectiveness in Taiwan construction industry. Literature review insinuates 5 major hypotheses including: (1) training has positive effect to job operation; (2) job operation has positive effect to occupational satisfaction; (3) training has positive effect to occupational satisfaction; (4) job operation has median effect to training and occupational satisfaction; (5) external factors have interference effect to training and job operation. A convenience sampling survey collected returned questionnaire at 38.8% out of 97 total samples. After conducting description statistical analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, two - factor variation analysis, and structural equation analysis, all hypotheses stand. Practitioners need to pay attention to employees’ satisfaction that can be interfered by external factors. Sophisticated or well-designed training programs can effectively improve employees’ satisfaction and prevent unnecessary interference from outsiders
Keywords: occupational satisfaction, training effectiveness, construction industry, survey