隨著科技進步及資訊之發達,馬達製造業之競爭激烈的市場已趨向國際化,許多客製化的產品迅速的推陳出新,掌握市場導向之需求動態已是首要之目標。然而,以馬達製造業而言,完成此目標已非一家公司所能獨力完成,而需要配合緊密合作的供應鏈夥伴。在這團隊之間,不論是訊息的流通與默契、有效溝通與應變、共同的願景與達成皆是由許多層面之因素所建立與構成。 掌握與供應鏈之間的關鍵影響因素,以優良之供應商表現績效而達成公司目標 ,是值得探討之議題。本研究以馬達製造業之生態及個案公司之現況,參考國內外文獻將研究分為夥伴關係構面、採購構面、品質構面、交貨構面、開發構面,並共涵蓋二十五項準則以決策實驗室分析法(DEMATEL)進行專家問卷研究與分析。 依研究結果之因果關係,其關鍵因素重要性依序是「合作結盟」、「訂單穩定度」及「公司商譽」,而影響強度依序則為「公司規模」、「交易總金額」及「合約簽訂」。 最後,依照所得結果,分析其因果關係,除了可針對如何提升單獨構面或準則作一參考表。並依據個案公司之方向,提出建議之方式,作為參考之依據。 ;As technology advanced, the manufacture of motor industry becomes more globally and competitive. It is crucial for a company to catch up the trade of the market, especially the market full of customized and innovated goods. In motor industry, a company cannot success without a strong supplier chain. It needs a reliable partnership, effective communication, quick response and trustable collaboration to achieve the goals of the company in order to stand in this competitive market. It is important to understand the factors which effect the performance between the company and its suppliers. This research focuses on the current situation of the company by reviewing literature of supply chain management, and we developed five factors namely partnership, purchasing behaviour, quality of the goods, delivery and innovation of the product. We collected the data by interviewing 14 experts from industry, and the data was analyzed by DEMATEL method. According to this research, the main factors which will effect the performance of suppliers are collaboration between suppliers and buyers, sustainable orders, and the reputation of the company, while the most three important factors which effect those factors are ranked as follow: the size of the company, the value of the business and the contract. This research is not only a good reference for a company which is looking for a way to improve the business partnership with its suppliers but also can be used to improve the trading management of the company.