本研究旨在探討正念教育實踐在教室當中之運作方式,以及學生在學習、成長階段是否因為正念教育而幫助其自我轉化、改變。本研究共分為五章,在第一章緒論部分,陳述現在社會變遷快速及社會教育體制轉變中,學生心靈上的轉化更應該被重視,而正念的覺察能力正是其改變的開始。 第二章為文獻探討,根據正念之相關文獻進行蒐集、整理;第三章為研究方法,本研究採質性研究,以台中市某國民小學作為田野現場,並以觀察法、深度訪談法及文件分析法作為田野資料分析之工具。第四章則針對教師在課室教學所安排之正念相關活動進行論述,這些正念活動中,有些為例行性的有些則是機會教育,例行性正念覺察活動如:課前三分鐘之靜坐覺察、每日聯絡簿覺察實踐心得分享;機會教育的覺察活動則為:魔術方塊學覺察、喝水學覺察、看電影學習正念相關概念等等,可以發現這些正念覺察活動對於學生在情緒、行為表現及學業上皆有幫助,並能讓其身心靈多了互相連結的機會。 第五章為結論,希望讓孩子藉由例行性或是機會教育下的正念覺察練習,發現自己本身即具有的能力—正念,並有機會實踐在其日常生活當中,達到對自我探索、自我了解、接納自己、安頓自己的內在以及形塑自我品格之發展。 ;The present study investigates the application of mindfulness in education by looking at it’s effect on student’s learning and growth, as well as investigating if mindfulness in education can help students change and grow as citizens. The present paper is split into five sections. The first section focuses upon explaining the changes in society and the field of education which lead to the importance of mindfulness in students, as well as showing how a positive attitude can create positive change. The second section looks into literature review of mindfulness. The third and forth section explains the details of experiment. Students of a certain elementary school in Taiwan were observed and interviewed for their mindfulness activities. Teachers of this course use mindfulness activities, some routine while others opportunistic, to help students grow. Examples of routine activities are three-minute meditation before class and sharing of daily reflections. While opportunistic activities consist of observation of a Rubik’s Cube and the effects of drinking water, or watching videos about mindfulness. In conclusion, this study found mindfulness in education has the ability to help student′s emotional control and behavior, academics, and allow students a chance to better connect with their inner self. In conclusion, it is shown that by giving students a chance to practice mindfulness, students will then have the potential to be more aware and mindful, which allows them to apply it to daily life. This may be through individual inquiry, discovery, acceptance, and harmony developing their character.