摘要: | 據金融監督管理委員會民國105年的統計,國人的保險密度達133109元,全球排名第十,保險滲透度更高達18.31%,全球第二、亞洲第一,根據壽險商業同業公會調查,民國105年台灣總保費收入達2.5兆元,顯見國人的理財規劃當中,保險佔有相當高的比例。面對少子化、高齡社會及金融市場快速變遷的時代,大多數人選擇透過保險保障自己以及家人的生活,由於保險僅能提供事故發生之後的理賠金予受益人,當受益人年齡太小或無行為能力,可能導致大筆理賠金遭他人覬覦,產生許多衍生問題。 本研究主要探討如何在規劃保險的同時,納入保險金信託,真正達到客戶照顧自己與照顧家人的原意,期能探討適合國人的保險金信託方案,最終歸納出適合各種不同類型家庭的模式。 本研究採質性研究方式以個案深入訪談及次級資料蒐集等,探討整體保險規劃的完整度,包括人壽保險、醫療險、防癌險、意外險、長照險、儲蓄險、投資型保險等。藉由四種不同類型個案主客觀條件,探討事故發生後可能造成的影響,以及個案期望的保險金安排方式,經歸納整理之後,提出在不同背景之下,適合不同家庭的保險與保險金信託規劃方案,進而使個案家庭能無後顧之憂,避免不可預期的事故,造成家庭經濟嚴重打擊。 研究結果發現,人生三階段四大風險,在不同階段應檢視自身狀況,適時調整風險規劃,選擇該階段最適方案,國人高保費低保障的現象,顯示國人投保的喜好偏向於無身故理賠金的醫療險或是儲蓄還本保險類型,國人對保險金信託規劃使用率相當低,在國內尚屬起步發展階段,我國人壽保險產業已然成熟,期望信託規劃能與保險做充分結合,完善民眾對風險轉移與照顧受益人的原意,能夠更臻完備。 根據本研究所獲得的結論,提出以下建議供各界參考:一.人人都應有完整保險搭配保險金信託規劃二.保險業務員應提升信託專業三.保險法與信託法須統合檢討衝突點。;According to the statistical study conducted by Financial Supervisory Commission in 2016, Taiwan insurance density reached TWD $133,109 which currently ranked number ten globally. Moreover, Insurance penetration in Taiwan is now as high as 18.31%, ranking number two globally and number one in Asia respectively. Based on The Life Insurance Association of R.O.C, the total insurance revenue is at TWD $2.5 trillion, demonstrating the important role Insurance plays in wealth management in Taiwan. In an era where declining birth rate, aging population, and volatile financial market are common, most people deem insurance as a low risk and stable protection for them and their family. However, for young beneficiaries who are not yet capable of managing claimed compensation, issues such as deception and scams can be serious social and legal problems.
This research paper will discuss how to incorporate Insurance Trust into insurance plan in order to maximize the beneficiaries′ benefits. It also summarizes different customized models for various types of family structure and specific needs.
Through primary case studies and secondary research, this report will analyze the topic of insurance planning, ranging from life insurance, health insurance, cancer insurance, long-term insurance, to savings insurance and investment oriented insurance. Through four primary real-life case studies, this research will present customized insurance plans and trust proposals that aim to balance achieving financial goals and securing life. Notably, the proposals are designed based on different family conditions, after-incident impacts, and insurers′ expectations.
When considering life as a three-stage process, this research shows that there are four main areas of risks. One should review her own situation, adjusts risk planning and select the most suitable plan accordingly at different times. The phenomena of high insurance fee and low premium show that Taiwanese insurers prefer health insurance or capital preservation investment insurance, and adoption rate for insurance trust has been relatively low, due to its nascency in the market. As the insurance industry in Taiwan continues to mature, we argue that insurance planning will be even more comprehensive if traditional insurance products and insurance trust can be combined together, thereby maximizing the expected benefits and life-long protection.
From our research, we propose the following recommendations: (1) Every insurer should incorporate insurance trust into insurance planning (2) Insurance sales agents should deepen their knowledge and develop expertise in insurance trust (3) Discuss and resolve conflicts between insurance law and trust law. |